Food Psych #120: Secrets to Intuitive Eating & Life Beyond Dieting with Lindsey Averill Guest UserSeptember 4, 2017lindsey averill, intuitive eating, life beyond dieting, fattitude, body acceptance, weight stigma, healthcare, body positive, binge eating, disordered eating, diet culture, anorexia, fatphobia, fat activism, thin ideal, body changes, joyful movement, nutrition, body image, representation, fat acceptance, social justice, S417
Food Psych #117: How to Practice Health at Every Size with Deb Burgard Guest UserAugust 14, 2017deb burgard, health at every size, intuitive eating, fat acceptance, sexuality, feminism, social justice, intersectionality, weight stigma, size diversity, thin ideal, fatphobia, dance, body acceptance, intuitive exercise, joyful movement, trauma, disordered eating, anorexia, life beyond dieting, S417
Food Psych #116: Self-Care and Diet Recovery with Jenna Hollenstein Christy HarrisonAugust 7, 2017jenna hollenstein, self-care, diet recovery, diet culture, intuitive eating, pleasure, alcoholism, disordered eating, eating disorders, religion of dieting, buddhism, meditation, mindfulness, vulnerability, boundaries, self-compassion, S417
Food Psych #115: Anti-Diet Beauty and Sexuality with Melissa A. Fabello Christy HarrisonJuly 31, 2017melissa a. fabello, disordered eating, eating disorders, anti-diet, beauty standards, sexuality, intersectionality, skin hunger, fatphobia, weight stigma, body image, diet culture, body acceptance, feminism, bodily autonomy, to the bone, S417
Food Psych #113: How to Cultivate Radical Body Love with Sonya Renee Taylor Christy HarrisonJuly 17, 2017sonya renee taylor, radical body love, weight stigma, intuitive eating, body positive, social justice, diet culture, body acceptance, self-care, orthorexia, disordered eating, body image, feminism, health at every size, body shame, bodily autonomy, intersectionality, anti-diet, S417
Food Psych #111: How to Reignite Your Creative Spark with Maggie Ritnour Christy HarrisonJuly 3, 2017maggie ritnour, art therapy, creativity, health at every size, disordered eating, dance, perfectionism, self-compassion, diet culture, fatphobia, nutrition media, vegetarianism, body image, body acceptance, cooking, intuitive eating, intuitive cooking, eating disorders, shame, healthism, S417
Food Psych #110: How to Heal from Food Shame with Casey Berglund` Christy HarrisonJune 26, 2017casey berglund, food shame, yoga, health at every size, intuitive eating, disordered eating, perfectionism, diet mentality, diet culture, nutrition media, body acceptance, dietitians, nutrition, healthism, orthorexia, self-care, mindfulness, intentional weight loss, anti-diet, S417
Food Psych #109: Body Acceptance and Disability with Anna Sweeney Christy HarrisonJune 19, 2017anna sweeney, body acceptance, disability, health at every size, anti-diet, social justice, eating disorders, diet culture, intuitive eating, disordered eating, body image, body changes, nutrition, dietitians, multiple sclerosis, ableism, S417
Food Psych #108: The Roots of the Body-Positive Movement with Connie Sobczak Christy HarrisonJune 12, 2017connie sobczak, body positive, body image, diet culture, body acceptance, health at every size, fat acceptance, social justice, aging, beauty standards, body changes, disordered eating, eating disorders, bulimia, intuitive eating, pleasure, meditation, embodiment, nutrition, bodily autonomy, fatphobia, S417
Food Psych #107: From Disordered Eating to Health at Every Size with Heidi Schauster Christy HarrisonJune 5, 2017heidi schauster, disordered eating, health at every size, eating disorders, binge eating, perfectionism, intuitive eating, thin privilege, body changes, bulimia, nutrition, dietitians, joyful movement, intuitive exercise, self-compassion, diet culture, kids, anti-diet, fatphobia, fat acceptance, boundaries, ballet, S417
Food Psych #104: How to Make Peace with Food & Feelings with Anita Johnston Christy HarrisonMay 15, 2017anita johnston, intuitive eating, eating disorders, disordered eating, beauty standards, boundaries, eating in the light of the moon, diet culture, thin ideal, body positive, feminism, self-compassion, S417
Food Psych #103: Social Justice and Racism in the Body-Positive Movement with Gloria Lucas Christy HarrisonMay 8, 2017gloria lucas, social justice, racism, body acceptance, eating disorders, disordered eating, trauma, feminism, body positive, body shame, binge eating, bulimia, sex, religion, representation, harm reduction, nalgona positivity pride, intersectionality, food insecurity, bodily autonomy, beauty standards, S417
Food Psych #102: How to Handle Body Changes, Pregnancy, & Postpartum Issues with Lindsay Stenovec Christy HarrisonMay 1, 2017lindsay stenovec, body changes, pregnancy, health at every size, disordered eating, postpartum, self-care, life beyond dieting, diet mentality, rejecting the diet mentality, intuitive eating, feminism, beauty standards, dietitians, diet culture, weight stigma, fatphobia, body image, eating disorders, embodiment, anti-diet, body acceptance, S417
Food Psych #100: How the Body-Positive Movement Could Do Better with Virgie Tovar Christy HarrisonApril 17, 2017virgie tovar, body positive, fat acceptance, body liberation, thin privilege, sex, diet culture, body image, feminism, fatphobia, eating disorders, disordered eating, social justice, diet mentality, rejecting the diet mentality, intuitive eating, pleasure, trauma, self-compassion, S417
Food Psych #99: How to Fight Diet Culture & Find Fat Acceptance with Lindy West Christy HarrisonApril 10, 2017lindy west, fat acceptance, diet culture, feminism, body positive, rejecting the diet mentality, fatphobia, diet mentality, disordered eating, health at every size, eating disorders, satisfaction, weight stigma, thin privilege, weddings, social justice, sex, pleasure, S417
Food Psych #98: How to Rediscover the Joy in Food and Movement with Kylie Mitchell Christy HarrisonApril 3, 2017kylie mitchell, satisfaction, anti-diet, diet culture, disordered eating, compulsive exercise, orthorexia, wellness, intuitive eating, health at every size, joyful movement, intuitive exercise, eating disorders, immaeatthat, body trust, pregnancy, binge eating, dietitians, healthism, yoga, fatphobia, body shame, S417
Food Psych #97: The Life-Changing Magic of Intuitive Eating with Sumner Brooks Christy HarrisonMarch 27, 2017sumner brooks, intuitive eating, body positive, diet culture, emotional eating, disordered eating, nutrition, dietitians, anti-diet, food insecurity, body shame, feminism, compulsive exercise, binge eating, health at every size, non diet approach, healthism, S417
Food Psych #96: How to Trust Your Body & Honor Its Wisdom with Tracy Brown Christy HarrisonMarch 20, 2017tracy brown, body trust, health at every size, diet mentality, body shame, eating disorders, disordered eating, boundaries, dietitians, intuitive eating, attuned eating, somatic therapy, nutrition, mindfulness, body acceptance, anorexia, fatphobia, meditation, self-compassion, S417
Food Psych #95: How to Share Your Anti-Diet Journey with Katie Dalebout Christy HarrisonMarch 13, 2017katie dalebout, anti-diet, body positive, orthorexia, health at every size, wellness, let it out, eating disorders, disordered eating, isabel foxen duke, body acceptance, diet culture, marketing, diet mentality, life beyond dieting, intuitive eating, boundaries, S417
Food Psych #93: The Truth about Dieting & Health at Every Size with Rebecca Scritchfield & Julie Duffy Dillon Christy HarrisonFebruary 26, 2017rebecca scritchfield, julie duffy dillon, diet culture, diet mentality, eating disorders, disordered eating, nutrition, healthism, anti-diet, body kindness, health at every size, intuitive eating, body positive, food peace, S417