Food Psych #117: How to Practice Health at Every Size with Deb Burgard Guest UserAugust 14, 2017deb burgard, health at every size, intuitive eating, fat acceptance, sexuality, feminism, social justice, intersectionality, weight stigma, size diversity, thin ideal, fatphobia, dance, body acceptance, intuitive exercise, joyful movement, trauma, disordered eating, anorexia, life beyond dieting, S417
Food Psych #115: Anti-Diet Beauty and Sexuality with Melissa A. Fabello Christy HarrisonJuly 31, 2017melissa a. fabello, disordered eating, eating disorders, anti-diet, beauty standards, sexuality, intersectionality, skin hunger, fatphobia, weight stigma, body image, diet culture, body acceptance, feminism, bodily autonomy, to the bone, S417