Food Psych #117: How to Practice Health at Every Size with Deb Burgard Guest UserAugust 14, 2017deb burgard, health at every size, intuitive eating, fat acceptance, sexuality, feminism, social justice, intersectionality, weight stigma, size diversity, thin ideal, fatphobia, dance, body acceptance, intuitive exercise, joyful movement, trauma, disordered eating, anorexia, life beyond dieting, S417
Food Psych #112: Body Liberation and Difficult Conversations with Jes Baker Christy HarrisonJuly 10, 2017jes baker, body liberation, fat acceptance, trauma, body positive, compulsive exercise, intuitive exercise, food insecurity, diet culture, weight stigma, fatphobia, intuitive eating, health at every size, bodily autonomy, ableism, S417
Food Psych #107: From Disordered Eating to Health at Every Size with Heidi Schauster Christy HarrisonJune 5, 2017heidi schauster, disordered eating, health at every size, eating disorders, binge eating, perfectionism, intuitive eating, thin privilege, body changes, bulimia, nutrition, dietitians, joyful movement, intuitive exercise, self-compassion, diet culture, kids, anti-diet, fatphobia, fat acceptance, boundaries, ballet, S417
Food Psych #98: How to Rediscover the Joy in Food and Movement with Kylie Mitchell Christy HarrisonApril 3, 2017kylie mitchell, satisfaction, anti-diet, diet culture, disordered eating, compulsive exercise, orthorexia, wellness, intuitive eating, health at every size, joyful movement, intuitive exercise, eating disorders, immaeatthat, body trust, pregnancy, binge eating, dietitians, healthism, yoga, fatphobia, body shame, S417
Food Psych #82: Intuitive Exercise & Overcoming Deprivation with Jonah Soolman Christy HarrisonDecember 12, 2016jonah soolman, soolman nutrition, intuitive exercise, intuitive eating, sugar restriction, body trust, body acceptance, food insecurity, health at every size, eating disorders, disordered eating, rejecting the diet mentality, anti-diet, weight stigma, orthorexia, dietitians, joyful movement, body positive, S416