Food Psych #108: The Roots of the Body-Positive Movement with Connie Sobczak Christy HarrisonJune 12, 2017connie sobczak, body positive, body image, diet culture, body acceptance, health at every size, fat acceptance, social justice, aging, beauty standards, body changes, disordered eating, eating disorders, bulimia, intuitive eating, pleasure, meditation, embodiment, nutrition, bodily autonomy, fatphobia, S417
Food Psych #107: From Disordered Eating to Health at Every Size with Heidi Schauster Christy HarrisonJune 5, 2017heidi schauster, disordered eating, health at every size, eating disorders, binge eating, perfectionism, intuitive eating, thin privilege, body changes, bulimia, nutrition, dietitians, joyful movement, intuitive exercise, self-compassion, diet culture, kids, anti-diet, fatphobia, fat acceptance, boundaries, ballet, S417
Food Psych #103: Social Justice and Racism in the Body-Positive Movement with Gloria Lucas Christy HarrisonMay 8, 2017gloria lucas, social justice, racism, body acceptance, eating disorders, disordered eating, trauma, feminism, body positive, body shame, binge eating, bulimia, sex, religion, representation, harm reduction, nalgona positivity pride, intersectionality, food insecurity, bodily autonomy, beauty standards, S417
Food Psych #78: Healing Trauma & Learning Intuitive Movement with Lauren Ezell Minear Christy HarrisonNovember 14, 2016lauren ezell minear, trauma, eating disorders, disordered eating, politics, yoga, feminism, health at every size, body positive, body acceptance, bulimia, anorexia, be nourished, life beyond dieting, S416