Food Psych #86: Body Positivity & Social Justice with Dianne Bondy Christy HarrisonJanuary 8, 2017dianne bondy, body positive, social justice, yoga, body shame, eating disorders, disordered eating, body image, self-compassion, self-care, diet culture, fatphobia, health at every size, politics, racism, beauty standards, S417, S416
Food Psych #85: How to Escape Diet Prison with Anne-Sophie Reinhardt Christy HarrisonJanuary 2, 2017anne-sophie reinhardt, escape diet prison, anti-diet, diet culture, diet mentality, eating disorders, disordered eating, body positive, body confidence, rejecting the diet mentality, trauma, politics, anorexia, weight stigma, self-compassion, pregnancy, body trust, kids, self-care, S417, S416
Food Psych #81: How to Honor Your Body and Recover from Disordered Eating with Rachel Cole Christy HarrisonDecember 5, 2016rachel cole, body trust, body acceptance, embodiment, politics, eating disorders, body positive, feminism, social justice, self-compassion, disordered eating, diet culture, rejecting the diet mentality, intuitive eating, health at every size, feast, S416
Food Psych #79: Intuitive Eating & the Satisfaction Factor with Elyse Resch Christy HarrisonNovember 21, 2016elyse resch, intuitive eating, disordered eating, eating disorders, nutrition, diet mentality, rejecting the diet mentality, politics, health at every size, media, body image, body acceptance, self-compassion, kids, perfectionism, intuitive eating workbook, satisfaction, S416
Food Psych #78: Healing Trauma & Learning Intuitive Movement with Lauren Ezell Minear Christy HarrisonNovember 14, 2016lauren ezell minear, trauma, eating disorders, disordered eating, politics, yoga, feminism, health at every size, body positive, body acceptance, bulimia, anorexia, be nourished, life beyond dieting, S416