Food Psych #118: How to Stop Fighting Food & Your Body with Isabel Foxen Duke Guest UserAugust 21, 2017isabel foxen duke, stop fighting food, emotional eating, binge eating, healthism, weight stigma, social justice, eating disorders, digestive disorders, diet culture, fatphobia, health at every size, beauty standards, diet mentality, boundaries, buddhism, thin privilege, chronic illness, orthorexia, body acceptance, hunger and fullness diet, intuitive eating, S417
Food Psych #105: Body-Acceptance Secrets with Jessamyn Stanley Christy HarrisonMay 22, 2017jessamyn stanley, body acceptance, yoga, diet mentality, rejecting the diet mentality, every body yoga, food insecurity, emotional eating, intuitive eating, mindfulness, veganism, trauma, intersectionality, health at every size, body positive, fatphobia, racism, photography, self-compassion, body shame, social justice, S417
Food Psych #101: How to Honor Your True Hungers & Find Body Acceptance with Rachel Estapa Christy HarrisonApril 24, 2017rachel estapa, body acceptance, yoga, body shame, diet culture, diet mentality, pcos, pleasure, life beyond dieting, body liberation, marketing, self-compassion, body positive, intuitive eating, nutrition, plus-size, emotional eating, satisfaction, joyful movement, feminism, eating disorders, embodiment, more to love, S417
Food Psych #97: The Life-Changing Magic of Intuitive Eating with Sumner Brooks Christy HarrisonMarch 27, 2017sumner brooks, intuitive eating, body positive, diet culture, emotional eating, disordered eating, nutrition, dietitians, anti-diet, food insecurity, body shame, feminism, compulsive exercise, binge eating, health at every size, non diet approach, healthism, S417
Food Psych #84: Body Kindness Secrets with Rebecca Scritchfield Christy HarrisonDecember 26, 2016rebecca scritchfield, body kindness, health at every size, body image, emotional eating, diet culture, food insecurity, anti-diet, dietitians, life beyond dieting, self-compassion, mindfulness, body acceptance, self-care, S416
Food Psych #74: The Truth About Emotional Eating with Isabel Foxen Duke Christy HarrisonOctober 17, 2016emotional eating, isabel foxen duke, disordered eating, eating disorders, binge eating, body acceptance, health at every size, body image, body positive, hunger and fullness diet, stop fighting food, diet culture, diet mentality, self-care, body positivity, body autonomy, fatphobia, deprivation, body shame, chronic dieting, eating disorder recovery, recovery, weight loss, S416