Food Psych #161: Self-Compassion and Boundaries with Dana Falsetti Christy HarrisonJuly 9, 2018The Wellness Diet, cholesterol, nutrition research, yoga, yoga community, boundaries, fatphobia, the life thief, diet culture, intuitive eating, disordered eating, puberty, binge eating disorder, binge eating, coping mechanisms, trauma, capitalism, compassion, body image, body policing, body shame, holistic health, weight stigma, internalized weight stigma, shame, S518
Food Psych #157: The Truth About Weight Science with Fiona Willer Christy HarrisonJune 4, 2018diet culture, the life thief, clean eating, binge eating, body image, vegetarianism, disordered eating, naturopathy, Health at Every Size, weight bias, weight science, medical fatphobia, mindful eating, mindfulness, recovery, anti-diet, HAES, weight inclusive, diversity, fatphobia, weight stigma, compassion, S518
Food Psych #154: The Truth About Recovery with Jes Baker Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminApril 30, 2018body shame, food scarcity, food insecurity, body image, body negativity, body dysmorphia, and chronic dieting, health at every size, intuitive eating, coping mechanisms, emotional eating”, diet culture, body love, body liberation, dietland, beauty standards, joyful movement, the life thief, s518
Food Psych #153: Healing Body Dysmorphia & Dating While Plus-Size with Sophia Carter-Kahn Christy HarrisonApril 23, 2018Eating disorder recovery, eating disorders, recovery, diet culture, the life thief, ableism, ageism, queer identity, LGBTQ, sexuality, dating, beauty standards, fatphobia, weight bias, body positivity, body acceptance, intuitive eating, healthism, health at every size, haes, body shame, food shame, medical fatphobia, disordered eating, chronic dieting, S518
Food Psych #149: The Truth About Binge Eating with Amy Pershing Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminMarch 26, 2018fatphobia, weight stigma, diet cult, restriction, intuitive eating, body shame, thin ideal, classism, eating disorder recovery, weight inclusive, health at every size, body image, self compassion, restrict-binge cycle, recovery, coping, trauma, feminism, shame, joyful movement, the life thief, self-care, beauty ideal, S518
Food Psych #148: Disability and Diet Culture with Rebekah Taussig Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminMarch 19, 2018disability, health at every size, haes, diet culture, ableism, body shame, self-objectification, therapy, disability studies, body image, photography, body positivity, disability rights, intersectionality, the life thief, thin privilege, fat liberation, S518
Food Psych #147: Why Nobody Needs "Weight Management" with Jennifer Rollin Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminMarch 12, 2018the life thief, diet culture, weight stigma, weight bias, fatphobia, eating disorder treatment, eating disorder recovery, recovery, haes, health at every size, body image, internalized fatphobia, medical fatphobia, gender, eating disorder, disordered eating, S518
Food Psych #144: Body-Image Resilience with Lindsay & Lexie Kite Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminFebruary 19, 2018feminism, self-objectification, diet culture, the life thief, body positivity, body image, resiliency, body shame, body acceptance, body respect, body liberation, body peace, body hatred, S518
Food Psych #140: How to Heal from Over-Exercise & Find Joyful Movement with Jessi Haggerty Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminJanuary 22, 2018ableism, fitspo, fatphobia, weight bias, joyful movement, trauma, health at every size, anti-diet, physical therapy, weight loss, social determinants of health, weight gain, diet culture, the life thief, haes personal trainer, body manipulation, anti-diet personal trainer, eating disorder recovery, yoga, exercise, fitness, body image, S518
Food Psych #138: Body Peace, Fat Acceptance, and Yoga for All Bodies with Sarah Harry Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminJanuary 8, 2018diet culture, the life thief, body image, body peace, body acceptance, body positivity, fatphobia, fat positive, fat liberation, fat activism, fat acceptance, internalized fatphobia, intuitive eating, health at every size, healthism, yoga, self-care, anti-diet, weight loss, chronic illness, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, recovery, therapy, mental health, mental illness, diet mentality, weight loss surgery, food policing, thin ideal, beauty ideal, S518
Food Psych #136: Mental Health, Intuitive Eating, and Postpartum Body Image with Stefani Reinold Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminDecember 25, 2017fatphobia, medical fatphobia, weight bias, weight stigma, weight inclusive practice, weight neutral, intuitive eating, intuitive eating fundamentals, bariatric surgery, pregnancy, post-partum, mental health, mental illness, body image, recovery, self-acceptance, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, disordered eating, clean eating, food neutrality, gentle nutrition, the life thief, diet culture, S517
Food Psych #131: How to Reclaim Pleasure In Food and Your Body with Substantia Jones Guest UserNovember 20, 2017chronic dieting, recovery, diet pills, patriarchy, the life thief, diet culture, diet industry, diet mentality, photography, body image, body love, fat liberation, fat acceptance, body liberation, body positivity, body acceptance, body shame, substantia jones, beauty standards, weight loss, picky eating, pleasure, S517
Food Psych #129: Health at Every Size and Eating Disorder Recovery with Kristie Amadio Guest UserNovember 6, 2017diet culture, diet mentality, non-diet approach, anti-diet, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, disordered eating, health at every size, healthcare, recovery, body dysmorphia, body acceptance, fat acceptance, fatphobia, the life thief, intuitive eating, social determinants of health, dietetics education, set point theory, weight loss, weight inclusive practice, weight stigma, weight bias, weight neutral, internalized fatphobia, weightlifting, S517
Food Psych #124: How to Let Go of Weight-Loss Efforts & Embrace Intuitive Eating with Amber Karnes Guest UserOctober 2, 2017the life thief, diet culture, life beyond dieting, yoga, eating disorder recovery, eating disorders, disordered eating, health at every size, mental health, joyful movement, feminism, intuitive eating, body image, body acceptance, body positivity, fat acceptance, fatphobia, plus size fashion, S517
Food Psych #123: How to Accept Your Body and Yourself with Corissa Enneking Guest UserSeptember 25, 2017diet culture, life beyond dieting, plus size fashion, eating disorder recovery, intuitive eating, disordered eating, healthism, health at every size, ableism, the life thief, mental health, body positivity, body acceptance, body image, fatphobia, weight stigma, fat acceptance, S517
Food Psych #122: How Anger Can Help in Diet Recovery and Body Acceptance with Carmen Cool Guest UserSeptember 18, 2017life beyond dieting, diet culture, disordered eating, eating disorders, weight stigma, fatphobia, eating disorder recovery, body image, feminism, health at every size, intuitive eating, mindfulness, self compassion, intuitive living, healthcare, the life thief, carmen cool, S517