Food Psych #161: Self-Compassion and Boundaries with Dana Falsetti Christy HarrisonJuly 9, 2018The Wellness Diet, cholesterol, nutrition research, yoga, yoga community, boundaries, fatphobia, the life thief, diet culture, intuitive eating, disordered eating, puberty, binge eating disorder, binge eating, coping mechanisms, trauma, capitalism, compassion, body image, body policing, body shame, holistic health, weight stigma, internalized weight stigma, shame, S518
Food Psych #155: Diet Culture in the "Natural" Health Field with Sarah Thompson Christy HarrisonMay 7, 2018Orthorexia, diet culture, racism, eating disorder, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, recovery, body shame, weight loss, disordered eating, objectification, sexualization, restrict-binge cycle, Overeaters Anonymous, food addiction, harm reduction, natural medicine, naturopathy, Chinese medicine, The Wellness Diet, body positive, healthism, haes, health at every size, weight stigma, fatphobia, weight discrimination, boundaries, intuitive eating, chronic dieting, trauma, holistic health, S518
Food Psych #133: Healing from Weight Stigma and Diet Culture with Kai Hibbard, "Biggest Loser" Contestant Turned Anti-Diet Activist Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminDecember 4, 2017weight stigma, diet culture, biggest loser, kai hibbard, weight bias, anti-diet, social determinants of health, social justice, haes, health at every size, healthism, healthcare, mental health, holistic health, disordered eating, chronic dieting, recovery, eating disorder recovery, intuitive eating, fatphobia, internalized fatphobia, body image, body positivity, body acceptance, diet industry, beauty standards, plus size fashion, public health, chronic illness, S517