Food Psych #139: The Truth About Weight-Loss Surgery & "Food Addiction" with Lisa DuBreuil Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminJanuary 15, 2018weight loss surgery, fatphobia, internalized fatphobia, body image, body respect, body liberation, body positivity, body acceptance, body shame, weight science, weight stigma, weight research, medical fatphobia, healthism, healthcare, health at every size, haes, eating disorder recovery, eating disorders, substance abuse, chronic dieting, binge eating disorder, diet culture, S518
Food Psych #137: How to Navigate Diet Culture with Evette Dionne Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminJanuary 1, 2018fatphobia, medical fatphobia, body positivity, body acceptance, body respect, body image, harassment, diet culture, fat acceptance, fat positive, fat activism, fat liberation, racism, ableism, intersectional feminism, intersectionality, health at every size, healthcare, healthism, weight gain, emotional eating, restriction, emotional restriction, food policing, oppression, privilege, public health, weight stigma, weight bias, sexism, patriarchy, empowerment, activism, marginalization, shame, brene brown, roxane gay, S518
Food Psych #133: Healing from Weight Stigma and Diet Culture with Kai Hibbard, "Biggest Loser" Contestant Turned Anti-Diet Activist Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminDecember 4, 2017weight stigma, diet culture, biggest loser, kai hibbard, weight bias, anti-diet, social determinants of health, social justice, haes, health at every size, healthism, healthcare, mental health, holistic health, disordered eating, chronic dieting, recovery, eating disorder recovery, intuitive eating, fatphobia, internalized fatphobia, body image, body positivity, body acceptance, diet industry, beauty standards, plus size fashion, public health, chronic illness, S517
Food Psych #129: Health at Every Size and Eating Disorder Recovery with Kristie Amadio Guest UserNovember 6, 2017diet culture, diet mentality, non-diet approach, anti-diet, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, disordered eating, health at every size, healthcare, recovery, body dysmorphia, body acceptance, fat acceptance, fatphobia, the life thief, intuitive eating, social determinants of health, dietetics education, set point theory, weight loss, weight inclusive practice, weight stigma, weight bias, weight neutral, internalized fatphobia, weightlifting, S517
Food Psych #127: Intuitive Eating & Health At Every Size FAQs with Ashley Seruya & Christy Harrison Guest UserOctober 23, 2017haes, health at every size, healthcare, social justice, feminism, intersectionality, intersectional feminism, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, intuitive living, intuitive eating, disordered eating, life beyond dieting, diet culture, chronic dieting, recovery, body liberation, body positivity, body acceptance, body shame, body image, fat acceptance, fat activism, fatphobia, ableism, trans issues, trans body image, self-care, joyful movement, size diversity, weight stigma, weight bias, weight neutral, orthorexia, nutritional rehabilitation, emotional eating, gentle nutrition, restriction, deprivation, food insecurity, body trust, body respect, food addiction, mental health, social determinants of health, anti-diet, diet, diet mentality, weight cycling, thin privilege, healthism, S517
Food Psych #122: How Anger Can Help in Diet Recovery and Body Acceptance with Carmen Cool Guest UserSeptember 18, 2017life beyond dieting, diet culture, disordered eating, eating disorders, weight stigma, fatphobia, eating disorder recovery, body image, feminism, health at every size, intuitive eating, mindfulness, self compassion, intuitive living, healthcare, the life thief, carmen cool, S517