Food Psych #151: Emotional Eating and Diet Culture with Judith Matz Christy HarrisonApril 9, 2018Social determinants of health, weight stigma, weight research, HAES, health at every size, weight inclusive, fatphobia, public health, diet culture, weight cycling, social justice, food insecurity, intuitive eating, deprivation, binge eating, emotional eating, body shame, restrict-binge cycle, S518
Food Psych #139: The Truth About Weight-Loss Surgery & "Food Addiction" with Lisa DuBreuil Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminJanuary 15, 2018weight loss surgery, fatphobia, internalized fatphobia, body image, body respect, body liberation, body positivity, body acceptance, body shame, weight science, weight stigma, weight research, medical fatphobia, healthism, healthcare, health at every size, haes, eating disorder recovery, eating disorders, substance abuse, chronic dieting, binge eating disorder, diet culture, S518