Food Psych #164: How to Make Peace with Your Belly with Rachel Cole Christy HarrisonJuly 30, 2018The Wellness Diet, menopause, weight gain, diet culture, pregnancy, veganism, intuitive eating, disordered eating, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, recovery, body image, body changes, self-care, anger, pleasure, S518
Food Psych #160: How to Fight Healthism and Embrace Body Positivity with Elizabeth Scott Christy HarrisonJune 25, 2018Concern trolling, gentle nutrition, diet culture, intuitive eating, weight science, weight stigma, weight discrimination, internalized weight stigma, fatphobia, internalized faptohibia, body image, feminism, body positivity, the body positive, oppression, HAES, Health at Every Size, self-compassion, body acceptance, food autonomy, fat activism, gender, sexuality, self-care, size diversity, thin ideal, embodiment, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, S518
Food Psych #155: Diet Culture in the "Natural" Health Field with Sarah Thompson Christy HarrisonMay 7, 2018Orthorexia, diet culture, racism, eating disorder, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, recovery, body shame, weight loss, disordered eating, objectification, sexualization, restrict-binge cycle, Overeaters Anonymous, food addiction, harm reduction, natural medicine, naturopathy, Chinese medicine, The Wellness Diet, body positive, healthism, haes, health at every size, weight stigma, fatphobia, weight discrimination, boundaries, intuitive eating, chronic dieting, trauma, holistic health, S518
Food Psych #153: Healing Body Dysmorphia & Dating While Plus-Size with Sophia Carter-Kahn Christy HarrisonApril 23, 2018Eating disorder recovery, eating disorders, recovery, diet culture, the life thief, ableism, ageism, queer identity, LGBTQ, sexuality, dating, beauty standards, fatphobia, weight bias, body positivity, body acceptance, intuitive eating, healthism, health at every size, haes, body shame, food shame, medical fatphobia, disordered eating, chronic dieting, S518
Food Psych #146: Binge Eating Recovery & Intuitive Exercise with Kristy Fassio Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminMarch 5, 2018binge eating disorder, binge eating, recovery, eating disorder recovery, eating disorders, intuitive exercise, joyful movement, health at every size, healthism, fat positive, anti-diet, fatphobia, medical fatphobia, social justice, fat activism, fat liberation, ableism, disordered eating, weight bias, body acceptance, emotional eating, binge restrict cycle, S518
Food Psych #145: Diet Culture and Hidden Anorexia with Rachel Millner Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminFebruary 26, 2018health at every size, fat positive, anorexia, diet culture, binge restrict cycle, eating disorder, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, weight bias, farphobia, medical fatphobia, recovery, S518
Food Psych #143: Body Politics & Anti-Diet Activism with Maria Paredes Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminFebruary 12, 2018recovery, eating disorder recovery, eating disorders, intuitive eating, health at every size, weight bias, pcos, healthis, diet culture, diet industry, feminism, intersectional feminism, disordered eating, purging, trauma, diet mentality, S518
Food Psych #139: The Truth About Weight-Loss Surgery & "Food Addiction" with Lisa DuBreuil Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminJanuary 15, 2018weight loss surgery, fatphobia, internalized fatphobia, body image, body respect, body liberation, body positivity, body acceptance, body shame, weight science, weight stigma, weight research, medical fatphobia, healthism, healthcare, health at every size, haes, eating disorder recovery, eating disorders, substance abuse, chronic dieting, binge eating disorder, diet culture, S518
Food Psych #138: Body Peace, Fat Acceptance, and Yoga for All Bodies with Sarah Harry Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminJanuary 8, 2018diet culture, the life thief, body image, body peace, body acceptance, body positivity, fatphobia, fat positive, fat liberation, fat activism, fat acceptance, internalized fatphobia, intuitive eating, health at every size, healthism, yoga, self-care, anti-diet, weight loss, chronic illness, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, recovery, therapy, mental health, mental illness, diet mentality, weight loss surgery, food policing, thin ideal, beauty ideal, S518
Food Psych #136: Mental Health, Intuitive Eating, and Postpartum Body Image with Stefani Reinold Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminDecember 25, 2017fatphobia, medical fatphobia, weight bias, weight stigma, weight inclusive practice, weight neutral, intuitive eating, intuitive eating fundamentals, bariatric surgery, pregnancy, post-partum, mental health, mental illness, body image, recovery, self-acceptance, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, disordered eating, clean eating, food neutrality, gentle nutrition, the life thief, diet culture, S517
Food Psych #135: Body Respect, Weight-Inclusive Care, and Health at Every Size with Lucy Aphramor Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminDecember 18, 2017health at every size, haes, social justice, weight inclusive practice, body respect, body dysmorphia, body image, sexuality, gender, social determinants of health, trauma, gender identity, linda bacon, anorexia, fitspo, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, feminism, queer, recovery, disordered eating, healthism, intuitive eating, S517
Food Psych #134: Disordered-Eating Recovery & Body-Positive Power with Megan Jayne Crabbe of @bodyposipanda Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminDecember 11, 2017body image, social justice, feminism, intersectional feminism, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, anorexia, bingeing, restriction, healthism, health at every size, fatphobia, medical fatphobia, internalized fatphobia, body positivity, body love, body acceptance, diet culture, perfectionism, diet industry, mental health, S517
Food Psych #132: Diet-Culture Recovery, Body Trust, and Plus-Size Representation with Meredith Noble Guest UserNovember 27, 2017intuitive living, intuitive eating, intersectionality, fatphobia, fat activism, fat acceptance, body liberation, body trust, body acceptance, body shame, body image, body positivity, body respect, meredith noble, diet culture, recovery, plus size fashion, plus size representation, fat positive, fat liberation, feminism, intersectional feminism, medical fatphobia, weight stigma, weight inclusive practice, hea, healthism, health at every size, disordered eating, size acceptance, eating disorders, scarcity, emotional restriction, S517
Food Psych #129: Health at Every Size and Eating Disorder Recovery with Kristie Amadio Guest UserNovember 6, 2017diet culture, diet mentality, non-diet approach, anti-diet, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, disordered eating, health at every size, healthcare, recovery, body dysmorphia, body acceptance, fat acceptance, fatphobia, the life thief, intuitive eating, social determinants of health, dietetics education, set point theory, weight loss, weight inclusive practice, weight stigma, weight bias, weight neutral, internalized fatphobia, weightlifting, S517
Food Psych #127: Intuitive Eating & Health At Every Size FAQs with Ashley Seruya & Christy Harrison Guest UserOctober 23, 2017haes, health at every size, healthcare, social justice, feminism, intersectionality, intersectional feminism, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, intuitive living, intuitive eating, disordered eating, life beyond dieting, diet culture, chronic dieting, recovery, body liberation, body positivity, body acceptance, body shame, body image, fat acceptance, fat activism, fatphobia, ableism, trans issues, trans body image, self-care, joyful movement, size diversity, weight stigma, weight bias, weight neutral, orthorexia, nutritional rehabilitation, emotional eating, gentle nutrition, restriction, deprivation, food insecurity, body trust, body respect, food addiction, mental health, social determinants of health, anti-diet, diet, diet mentality, weight cycling, thin privilege, healthism, S517
Food Psych #126: How to Reject Diet-Culture Marketing with Kaila Prins Guest UserOctober 16, 2017diet culture, marketing, eating disorder recovery, disordered eating, eating disorders, ethical marketing, body acceptance, body positivity, social justice, body image, body shame, capitalism, veganism, body liberation, S517
Food Psych #125: Healing Your Relationship with Food & Overcoming Disordered Eating with Lisa Pearl Guest UserOctober 9, 2017disordered eating, eating disorder recovery, eating disorders, intuitive eating, body image, trauma, fat acceptance, fatphobia, haes, health at every size, mindfulness, body liberation, diet culture, body acceptance, weight stigma, weight bias, self-compassion, S517
Food Psych #124: How to Let Go of Weight-Loss Efforts & Embrace Intuitive Eating with Amber Karnes Guest UserOctober 2, 2017the life thief, diet culture, life beyond dieting, yoga, eating disorder recovery, eating disorders, disordered eating, health at every size, mental health, joyful movement, feminism, intuitive eating, body image, body acceptance, body positivity, fat acceptance, fatphobia, plus size fashion, S517
Food Psych #122: How Anger Can Help in Diet Recovery and Body Acceptance with Carmen Cool Guest UserSeptember 18, 2017life beyond dieting, diet culture, disordered eating, eating disorders, weight stigma, fatphobia, eating disorder recovery, body image, feminism, health at every size, intuitive eating, mindfulness, self compassion, intuitive living, healthcare, the life thief, carmen cool, S517
Food Psych #121: The Truth About Diet Culture with Emily Contois Christy HarrisonSeptember 11, 2017emily contois, diet culture, body image, feminism, eating disorders, disordered eating, joyful movement, life beyond dieting, ballet, social justice, healthism, intersectionality, body acceptance, beauty standards, S517