Food Psych #148: Disability and Diet Culture with Rebekah Taussig Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminMarch 19, 2018disability, health at every size, haes, diet culture, ableism, body shame, self-objectification, therapy, disability studies, body image, photography, body positivity, disability rights, intersectionality, the life thief, thin privilege, fat liberation, S518
Food Psych #138: Body Peace, Fat Acceptance, and Yoga for All Bodies with Sarah Harry Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminJanuary 8, 2018diet culture, the life thief, body image, body peace, body acceptance, body positivity, fatphobia, fat positive, fat liberation, fat activism, fat acceptance, internalized fatphobia, intuitive eating, health at every size, healthism, yoga, self-care, anti-diet, weight loss, chronic illness, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, recovery, therapy, mental health, mental illness, diet mentality, weight loss surgery, food policing, thin ideal, beauty ideal, S518