Food Psych #158: How to Heal from Weight Stigma with Kathleen Bishop Christy HarrisonJune 11, 2018weight cycling, intergenerational trauma, diet culture, eating disorder, bulimia, substance abuse, eating disorder recovery, recovery, overeaters anonymous, alcohol, diet mentality, intuitive eating, Health at Every Size, social justice, privilege, EMDR therapy, trauma-informed care, trauma, body-image, weight stigma, internalized weight stigma, body diversity, weight loss surgery, S518
Food Psych #150: Disordered Eating & Gender Identity with Sand Chang Christy HarrisonApril 2, 2018diet culture, diet mentality, fatphobia, body image, eating disorder, trauma, coping, disordered eating, over exercise, weight loss, recovery, weight bias, size acceptance, fat liberation, trans healthcare, trans body image, gender queer, gender binary, body acceptance, gender dysphoria, gender dysmorphia, health at every size, intersectional feminism, orthorexia, intuitive eating, joyful movement, overeaters anonymous, anti-diet, trans advocacy, S518
Food Psych #143: Body Politics & Anti-Diet Activism with Maria Paredes Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminFebruary 12, 2018recovery, eating disorder recovery, eating disorders, intuitive eating, health at every size, weight bias, pcos, healthis, diet culture, diet industry, feminism, intersectional feminism, disordered eating, purging, trauma, diet mentality, S518
Food Psych #141: Pleasure, Sex, and Body Acceptance with Dawn Serra Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminJanuary 29, 2018sex, pleasure, body image, body shame, disordered eating, trans issues, trans body image, body acceptance, weight stigma, size bias, fat activism, sexual assault, sexuality, restriction, clean eating, fat acceptance, trauma, diet culture, diet mentality, intuitive eating, gentle nutrition, fatphobia, body comparisons, S518
Food Psych #138: Body Peace, Fat Acceptance, and Yoga for All Bodies with Sarah Harry Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminJanuary 8, 2018diet culture, the life thief, body image, body peace, body acceptance, body positivity, fatphobia, fat positive, fat liberation, fat activism, fat acceptance, internalized fatphobia, intuitive eating, health at every size, healthism, yoga, self-care, anti-diet, weight loss, chronic illness, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, recovery, therapy, mental health, mental illness, diet mentality, weight loss surgery, food policing, thin ideal, beauty ideal, S518
Food Psych #131: How to Reclaim Pleasure In Food and Your Body with Substantia Jones Guest UserNovember 20, 2017chronic dieting, recovery, diet pills, patriarchy, the life thief, diet culture, diet industry, diet mentality, photography, body image, body love, fat liberation, fat acceptance, body liberation, body positivity, body acceptance, body shame, substantia jones, beauty standards, weight loss, picky eating, pleasure, S517
Food Psych #130: How to Fight Fatphobia in Woke Spaces with Melissa Toler Guest UserNovember 13, 2017diet culture, diet mentality, internalized fatphobia, fat activism, fatphobia, fat acceptance, social justice, social determinants of health, chronic dieting, anti-diet, health at every size, haes, diet industry, weight stigma, body acceptance, healthism, S517
Food Psych #129: Health at Every Size and Eating Disorder Recovery with Kristie Amadio Guest UserNovember 6, 2017diet culture, diet mentality, non-diet approach, anti-diet, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, disordered eating, health at every size, healthcare, recovery, body dysmorphia, body acceptance, fat acceptance, fatphobia, the life thief, intuitive eating, social determinants of health, dietetics education, set point theory, weight loss, weight inclusive practice, weight stigma, weight bias, weight neutral, internalized fatphobia, weightlifting, S517
Food Psych #127: Intuitive Eating & Health At Every Size FAQs with Ashley Seruya & Christy Harrison Guest UserOctober 23, 2017haes, health at every size, healthcare, social justice, feminism, intersectionality, intersectional feminism, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, intuitive living, intuitive eating, disordered eating, life beyond dieting, diet culture, chronic dieting, recovery, body liberation, body positivity, body acceptance, body shame, body image, fat acceptance, fat activism, fatphobia, ableism, trans issues, trans body image, self-care, joyful movement, size diversity, weight stigma, weight bias, weight neutral, orthorexia, nutritional rehabilitation, emotional eating, gentle nutrition, restriction, deprivation, food insecurity, body trust, body respect, food addiction, mental health, social determinants of health, anti-diet, diet, diet mentality, weight cycling, thin privilege, healthism, S517