Food Psych #158: How to Heal from Weight Stigma with Kathleen Bishop Christy HarrisonJune 11, 2018weight cycling, intergenerational trauma, diet culture, eating disorder, bulimia, substance abuse, eating disorder recovery, recovery, overeaters anonymous, alcohol, diet mentality, intuitive eating, Health at Every Size, social justice, privilege, EMDR therapy, trauma-informed care, trauma, body-image, weight stigma, internalized weight stigma, body diversity, weight loss surgery, S518
Food Psych #155: Diet Culture in the "Natural" Health Field with Sarah Thompson Christy HarrisonMay 7, 2018Orthorexia, diet culture, racism, eating disorder, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, recovery, body shame, weight loss, disordered eating, objectification, sexualization, restrict-binge cycle, Overeaters Anonymous, food addiction, harm reduction, natural medicine, naturopathy, Chinese medicine, The Wellness Diet, body positive, healthism, haes, health at every size, weight stigma, fatphobia, weight discrimination, boundaries, intuitive eating, chronic dieting, trauma, holistic health, S518
Food Psych #150: Disordered Eating & Gender Identity with Sand Chang Christy HarrisonApril 2, 2018diet culture, diet mentality, fatphobia, body image, eating disorder, trauma, coping, disordered eating, over exercise, weight loss, recovery, weight bias, size acceptance, fat liberation, trans healthcare, trans body image, gender queer, gender binary, body acceptance, gender dysphoria, gender dysmorphia, health at every size, intersectional feminism, orthorexia, intuitive eating, joyful movement, overeaters anonymous, anti-diet, trans advocacy, S518
Food Psych #147: Why Nobody Needs "Weight Management" with Jennifer Rollin Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminMarch 12, 2018the life thief, diet culture, weight stigma, weight bias, fatphobia, eating disorder treatment, eating disorder recovery, recovery, haes, health at every size, body image, internalized fatphobia, medical fatphobia, gender, eating disorder, disordered eating, S518
Food Psych #145: Diet Culture and Hidden Anorexia with Rachel Millner Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminFebruary 26, 2018health at every size, fat positive, anorexia, diet culture, binge restrict cycle, eating disorder, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, weight bias, farphobia, medical fatphobia, recovery, S518