Food Psych #150: Disordered Eating & Gender Identity with Sand Chang Christy HarrisonApril 2, 2018diet culture, diet mentality, fatphobia, body image, eating disorder, trauma, coping, disordered eating, over exercise, weight loss, recovery, weight bias, size acceptance, fat liberation, trans healthcare, trans body image, gender queer, gender binary, body acceptance, gender dysphoria, gender dysmorphia, health at every size, intersectional feminism, orthorexia, intuitive eating, joyful movement, overeaters anonymous, anti-diet, trans advocacy, S518
Food Psych #142: Breaking Free from Fatphobia & Gender Norms with Caleb Luna Christy Harrison Admin Christy Harrison AdminFebruary 5, 2018fatphobia, internalized fatphobia, intuitive eating, trans issues, trans body image, gender identity, thin privilege, weight loss, weight stigma, gender binary, self compassion, fat discrimination, queer identity, self-care, dissociation, fat acceptance, fat activism, weight bias, S518