Food Psych #194: The Truth About Weight-Loss "Success Stories" with Carrie Dennett Christy HarrisonMay 6, 2019Diet culture, weight shaming, dieting, national weight control registry, NWCR, diets, weight loss, research, science, dietetics, paradigm straddling, social determinants of health, Health At Every Size, HAES, self-compassion, social justice, privilege, weight stigma, fatphobia, diversity, size diversity, S619
Food Psych #186: How to Rebuild Trust in Your Body with Jenna Hollenstein Christy HarrisonFebruary 18, 2019Eat to Love, motherhood, honeymoon phase, intuitive eating, Buddhism, discomfort, non-judgement, mindfulness, meditation, self-compassion, mindful eating, spirituality, self-improvement, self-help, trust, inner wisdom, self-esteem, values, conformity, patriarchy, diet culture, law of attraction, privilege, uncertainty, unknown, science, religion, wellness, The Wellness Diet, fullness, satisfaction, enough, chronic disease, Hashimoto’s, thyroid, S619
Food Psych #177: Intuitive Eating, Chronic Illness, and Breaking Free from The Wellness Diet with Linda Tucker Christy HarrisonDecember 10, 2018Scarcity, body image, privilege, fatphobia, weight stigma, weight bias, compliments, dieting, Wellness Diet, diet mentality, diet culture, clean eating, isolation, perfectionism, social media, intuitive eating, health at every size, HAES, body liberation, ablism, healthism, digestive system, gut health, gut disorders, chronic illness, chronic disease, chronic conditions, acceptance, self-care, self-compassion, S618
Food Psych #174: How to Make Peace with Your Body in Pregnancy & Beyond with Angela Garbes Christy HarrisonNovember 12, 2018POC, BIPOC, Asian, Filipino, journalism, dietetics, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, pregnancy, breastfeeding, parenting, generosity, compassion, self-compassion, body-acceptance, body-positivity, body-diversity, intuitive eating, fertility, science, medicine, healthcare, evidence, research, food addiction, sugar, diet mentality, diet culture, Wellness Diet, unconditional permission, S618
Food Psych #169: The Truth About Fitness Culture and "Clean Eating" with Christine Yoshida Christy HarrisonOctober 8, 2018Diet culture, fitness culture, wellness culture, healthism, privilege, intuitive eating, dieting, diet mentality, disordered eating, eating disorders, health at every size, haes, empathy, children, kids, healthcare, compassion, self-compassion, support, black-and-white thinking, all-or-nothing thinking, eating disorder recovery, social justice, S618