Food Psych #197: Hormones, Disordered Eating, and How The Wellness Diet Harms Your Health with Robyn Nohling Christy HarrisonMay 27, 2019Hormones, menstruation, reproductive health, fertility, pregnancy, The Wellness Diet, fatphobia, orthorexia, diet culture, eating disorders, disordered eating, alcohol, thyroid, hypothalamic amenorrhea, HA, dietetics, recovery, eating disorder recovery, autoimmune, alternative health, healthcare, medicine, women’s health, Health At Every Size, HAES, intuitive eating, research, stress, cortisol, breastfeeding, postpartum, diabetes, insulin, self-care, chronic illness, S619
Food Psych #186: How to Rebuild Trust in Your Body with Jenna Hollenstein Christy HarrisonFebruary 18, 2019Eat to Love, motherhood, honeymoon phase, intuitive eating, Buddhism, discomfort, non-judgement, mindfulness, meditation, self-compassion, mindful eating, spirituality, self-improvement, self-help, trust, inner wisdom, self-esteem, values, conformity, patriarchy, diet culture, law of attraction, privilege, uncertainty, unknown, science, religion, wellness, The Wellness Diet, fullness, satisfaction, enough, chronic disease, Hashimoto’s, thyroid, S619