Food Psych #200: How Diet Culture Harms the Gay Community with Jeff Iovannone Christy HarrisonJune 24, 2019Pride month, toxic masculinity, coming out, diet culture, dieting, The Wellness Diet, Gay culture, beauty standards, body positivity, gay community, diets, weight loss, research, gender studies, sociology, feminism, patriarchy, AIDS, privilege, body shame, body standards, LGBTQ+, fatphobia, eating disorder recovery, size diversity, eating disorder treatment, S619
Food Psych #198: Preventing Disordered Eating in the Next Generation with Lauren Muhlheim, Psychologist and Eating-Disorder Specialist Christy HarrisonJune 3, 2019Diets, dieting, disordered eating, eating disorders, eating-disorder treatment, eating-disorder recovery, recovery, psychodynamic therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, CBT, CBT-E, healthcare, medicine, psychology, family-based treatment, FBT, weight bias, diet mentality, fatphobia, orthorexia, Health At Every Size, HAES, parents, children, kids, division of responsibility, DOR, The Biggest Loser, The Wellness Diet, S619
Food Psych #197: Hormones, Disordered Eating, and How The Wellness Diet Harms Your Health with Robyn Nohling Christy HarrisonMay 27, 2019Hormones, menstruation, reproductive health, fertility, pregnancy, The Wellness Diet, fatphobia, orthorexia, diet culture, eating disorders, disordered eating, alcohol, thyroid, hypothalamic amenorrhea, HA, dietetics, recovery, eating disorder recovery, autoimmune, alternative health, healthcare, medicine, women’s health, Health At Every Size, HAES, intuitive eating, research, stress, cortisol, breastfeeding, postpartum, diabetes, insulin, self-care, chronic illness, S619
Food Psych #195: Why Fatphobia Hurts All of Us with Sofie Hagen Christy HarrisonMay 13, 2019Health, ableism, Health At Every Size, HAES, social determinants of health, fatphobia, privilege, bias, weight stigma, social justice, depression, eating disorders, binge-eating disorder, therapy, mental health, self-blame, capitalism, oppression, diet culture, body positivity, feminism, body liberation, The Wellness Diet, eugenics, body currency, science, research, media, S619
Food Psych #192: Why We Can’t Fight Weight Stigma While Also Advocating for Weight Loss with Jeffrey Hunger Christy HarrisonApril 15, 2019diet culture, LGBTQ2+, queer culture, wellness culture, The Wellness Diet, mindfulness, intuitive eating, stereotype threat, weight stigma, research, advocacy, public policy, dignity, respect, representation, social justice, critical thinking, health, healthism, interdisciplinary, healthcare, classism, working class, low-income, family meals, S619
Food Psych #186: How to Rebuild Trust in Your Body with Jenna Hollenstein Christy HarrisonFebruary 18, 2019Eat to Love, motherhood, honeymoon phase, intuitive eating, Buddhism, discomfort, non-judgement, mindfulness, meditation, self-compassion, mindful eating, spirituality, self-improvement, self-help, trust, inner wisdom, self-esteem, values, conformity, patriarchy, diet culture, law of attraction, privilege, uncertainty, unknown, science, religion, wellness, The Wellness Diet, fullness, satisfaction, enough, chronic disease, Hashimoto’s, thyroid, S619
Food Psych #185: How Diet Culture Hurts Your Relationships with Kristina Bruce Christy HarrisonFebruary 11, 2019Diet culture, yoga, spirituality, The Wellness Diet, relationships, disordered eating, eating disorders, eating-disorder recovery, diets, dieting, trust, honeymoon phase, body-soul connection, embodiment, self-acceptance, inner critic, health, wellness, S619
Food Psych #183: How The Wellness Diet Harms Your Health with Katherine Zavodni Christy HarrisonJanuary 28, 2019Chronic illness, chronic conditions, healthcare, alternative health, The Wellness Diet, diet culture, wellness culture, fatphobia, personal responsibility, healthism, diets, dieting, applied kinesiology, self-blame, elimination diets, shame, privilege, eating-disorder recovery, eating-disorder treatment, healthcare professionals, clinicians, body autonomy, intuitive eating, self-care, exercise, physical activity, S619
Food Psych #182: Fitness Culture, Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, and Why Health Is Not an Obligation with Cara Harbstreet Christy HarrisonJanuary 21, 2019Emotional eating, disordered eating, eating disorders, Health At Every Size, HAES, The Wellness Diet, weight stigma, fatphobia, privilege, activism, intuitive eating, diet culture, oppression, patriarchy, addiction, food addiction, pleasure, S619
Food Psych #181: How to "Just Eat It" and Break Free from Diet Culture with Laura Thomas Christy HarrisonJanuary 14, 2019Emotional eating, disordered eating, eating disorders, Health At Every Size, HAES, The Wellness Diet, weight stigma, fatphobia, privilege, activism, intuitive eating, diet culture, oppression, patriarchy, addiction, food addiction, pleasure, S619
Food Psych #179: How to Avoid Falling for The Wellness Diet This New Year with Colleen Reichmann Christy HarrisonDecember 31, 2018Diet culture, wellness culture, The Wellness Diet, eating disorders, anorexia, empathy, validation, college, recovery, orthorexia, clean eating, privilege, Health At Every Size, HAES, eating-disorder treatment, S618
Food Psych #172: The Wellness Diet and Feeding Kids with Virginia Sole-Smith Christy HarrisonOctober 29, 2018Picky eating, fatphobia, feminism, children, kids, feeding, The Wellness Diet, diet culture, wellness, obesity, privilege, health, parenting, relationship with food, diet mentality, schools, parents, anti-diet, Health At Every Size, sugar, FNCE, S618