Food Psych #198: Preventing Disordered Eating in the Next Generation with Lauren Muhlheim, Psychologist and Eating-Disorder Specialist Christy HarrisonJune 3, 2019Diets, dieting, disordered eating, eating disorders, eating-disorder treatment, eating-disorder recovery, recovery, psychodynamic therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, CBT, CBT-E, healthcare, medicine, psychology, family-based treatment, FBT, weight bias, diet mentality, fatphobia, orthorexia, Health At Every Size, HAES, parents, children, kids, division of responsibility, DOR, The Biggest Loser, The Wellness Diet, S619
Food Psych #178: The Truth About High-Weight Anorexia with Erin Harrop Christy HarrisonDecember 17, 2018intuitive cooking, diet culture, pleasure, intuitive eating, restriction, restriction pendulum, health at every size, haes, fat activism, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, recovery, eating disorder treatment, diet mentality, weight stigma, weight bias, fatphobia, anorexia, higher weight anorexia, atypical anorexia, binge eating disorder, research, disordered eating, s618
Food Psych #177: Intuitive Eating, Chronic Illness, and Breaking Free from The Wellness Diet with Linda Tucker Christy HarrisonDecember 10, 2018Scarcity, body image, privilege, fatphobia, weight stigma, weight bias, compliments, dieting, Wellness Diet, diet mentality, diet culture, clean eating, isolation, perfectionism, social media, intuitive eating, health at every size, HAES, body liberation, ablism, healthism, digestive system, gut health, gut disorders, chronic illness, chronic disease, chronic conditions, acceptance, self-care, self-compassion, S618
Food Psych #167: Food, Sex, and Body Liberation with Kimberly Dark Christy HarrisonSeptember 24, 2018Fatphobia, weight stigma, weight bias, disordered eating, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, recovery, bingeing, trauma, sex, sexuality, virtue, diet culture, sociology, feminism, patriarchy, autoethnography, academia, knowledge, inner wisdom, wellness culture, queer, performance, performative health, social media, narratives, S618
Food Psych #166: How to Resist Diet Culture & Build Community with Lilia Graue Christy HarrisonSeptember 17, 2018Diet culture, depression, disordered eating, eating disorders, eating disorder recovery, recovery, fatphobia, weight stigma, weight bias, healthism, healthcare, privilege, intuitive eating, mindful eating, mindfulness, yoga, meditation, connection, community, belonging, embodiment, trauma, S618