Food Psych #203: Healing from Orthorexia and The Wellness Diet with Katherine Metzelaar Christy HarrisonJuly 22, 2019Diet culture, body image, inflammation, orthorexia, healthism, health, food insecurity, food security, wellness, dietitians, elimination diet, naturopathy, perfectionism, the wellness diet, food access, dietetic internship, intuitive eating, disordered eating, S619
Food Psych #196: Diet Culture’s Racist Roots with Sabrina Strings Christy HarrisonMay 20, 2019POC, race, racism, sociology, vegetarian, pescetarian, cooking, diet culture, fatphobia, weight stigma, healthcare, medical system, BMI, health, research, science, culture, cultural competency, women, feminism, religion, intersectionality, history, Health At Every Size, HAES, beauty, thin ideal, body ideals, intuitive eating, diet mentality, unconditional permission to eat, restriction, S619
Food Psych #192: Why We Can’t Fight Weight Stigma While Also Advocating for Weight Loss with Jeffrey Hunger Christy HarrisonApril 15, 2019diet culture, LGBTQ2+, queer culture, wellness culture, The Wellness Diet, mindfulness, intuitive eating, stereotype threat, weight stigma, research, advocacy, public policy, dignity, respect, representation, social justice, critical thinking, health, healthism, interdisciplinary, healthcare, classism, working class, low-income, family meals, S619
Food Psych #185: How Diet Culture Hurts Your Relationships with Kristina Bruce Christy HarrisonFebruary 11, 2019Diet culture, yoga, spirituality, The Wellness Diet, relationships, disordered eating, eating disorders, eating-disorder recovery, diets, dieting, trust, honeymoon phase, body-soul connection, embodiment, self-acceptance, inner critic, health, wellness, S619
Food Psych #176: Confessions of a Former Weight-Loss-Surgery Dietitian with Vincci Tsui Christy HarrisonDecember 3, 2018Privilege, POC, BIPOC, weight stigma, fatphobia, nutrition, dietitians, diet culture, bariatric surgery, weight loss surgery, HAES, Health At Every Size, intuitive eating, Wellness Diet, body autonomy, disordered eating, eating disorders, health, yoga, mindful eating, weight gain, bulimia, recovery, fat acceptance, S618
Food Psych #172: The Wellness Diet and Feeding Kids with Virginia Sole-Smith Christy HarrisonOctober 29, 2018Picky eating, fatphobia, feminism, children, kids, feeding, The Wellness Diet, diet culture, wellness, obesity, privilege, health, parenting, relationship with food, diet mentality, schools, parents, anti-diet, Health At Every Size, sugar, FNCE, S618
Food Psych #170: How to Combat Fat Stigma with Cat Pausé Christy HarrisonOctober 15, 2018Role models, pop culture, fat studies, obesity, weight stigma, fat stigma, fatphobia, health, feminism, diet culture, boundaries, parents, family, weight studies, critical obesity studies, privilege, racism, fat liberation, S618