Food Psych #195: Why Fatphobia Hurts All of Us with Sofie Hagen Christy HarrisonMay 13, 2019Health, ableism, Health At Every Size, HAES, social determinants of health, fatphobia, privilege, bias, weight stigma, social justice, depression, eating disorders, binge-eating disorder, therapy, mental health, self-blame, capitalism, oppression, diet culture, body positivity, feminism, body liberation, The Wellness Diet, eugenics, body currency, science, research, media, S619
Food Psych #194: The Truth About Weight-Loss "Success Stories" with Carrie Dennett Christy HarrisonMay 6, 2019Diet culture, weight shaming, dieting, national weight control registry, NWCR, diets, weight loss, research, science, dietetics, paradigm straddling, social determinants of health, Health At Every Size, HAES, self-compassion, social justice, privilege, weight stigma, fatphobia, diversity, size diversity, S619
Food Psych #192: Why We Can’t Fight Weight Stigma While Also Advocating for Weight Loss with Jeffrey Hunger Christy HarrisonApril 15, 2019diet culture, LGBTQ2+, queer culture, wellness culture, The Wellness Diet, mindfulness, intuitive eating, stereotype threat, weight stigma, research, advocacy, public policy, dignity, respect, representation, social justice, critical thinking, health, healthism, interdisciplinary, healthcare, classism, working class, low-income, family meals, S619
Food Psych #189: False Pictures of Health with Tiffany Roe Christy HarrisonMarch 11, 2019Diet culture, fatphobia, dieting, eating disorders, disordered eating, intuitive eating, eating-disorder recovery, recovery, religion, faith, identity, shame, trauma, post-traumatic growth, eating-disorder treatment, healthcare, oppression, social justice, dietetics, healthism, stigma, vulnerability, trust, emotional eating, deprivation, coping, S619
Food Psych #184: Why Diet Culture Is a Form of Oppression with Virgie Tovar Christy HarrisonFebruary 4, 2019Virgie Tovar, diet culture, feminism, patriarchy, fatphobia, sexism, marginalization, internalized inferiority, dieting, history, oppression, assimilation, nationalism, gaslighting, bootstrapping, body positivity, body liberation, fat activism, privilege, social justice, anti-diet, dating, love, S619
Food Psych #173: How Diet Culture Steals Our True Culture with Melissa Carmona Christy HarrisonNovember 5, 2018POC, BIPOC, diversity, Spanish, Latinx, eating disorder, eating disorder recovery, food insecurity, binge eating, food stamps, healthcare, cultural awareness, pleasure, discrimination, racism, oppression, social justice, patriarchy, Health At Every Size, HAES, intuitive eating, diet culture, boundaries, bariatric surgery, WLS, anti-diet, S618
Food Psych #171: Healthcare Without Diet Culture with Jennifer Gaudiani Christy HarrisonOctober 22, 2018Eating disorders, weight stigma, fatphobia, diet culture, healthcare, medical system, doctors, health professionals, Health At Every Size, HAES, obesity, genetics, moderation, diets, dieting, fad diets, alternative-medicine, evidence-based, social justice, privilege, atypical anorexia, eating disorder recovery, recovery, S618
Food Psych #169: The Truth About Fitness Culture and "Clean Eating" with Christine Yoshida Christy HarrisonOctober 8, 2018Diet culture, fitness culture, wellness culture, healthism, privilege, intuitive eating, dieting, diet mentality, disordered eating, eating disorders, health at every size, haes, empathy, children, kids, healthcare, compassion, self-compassion, support, black-and-white thinking, all-or-nothing thinking, eating disorder recovery, social justice, S618