Food Psych #274: Getting Your Period Back, Healing from the Wellness Diet, and the First-Diet Trap with Lu Uhrich Christy HarrisonMarch 8, 2021Disordered eating, eating disorders, eating-disorder recovery, privilege, coach, physiology, diet culture, Life Thief, religion, faith, periods, menstruation, menstrual cycle, HA, hypothalamic amenorrhea, hormones, period recovery, energy, deprivation, restriction, anti-diet, S821
Food Psych #272: Rebuilding Body Trust, the Importance of Unlearning, and Why Body Liberation Is for Everyone with Hilary Kinavey and Dana Sturtevant Christy HarrisonFebruary 22, 2021Be Nourished, body trust, social justice, anti-oppression, eating disorders, healthcare, trust, diet culture, weight stigma, fatphobia, grief, reckoning, eating-disorder recovery, perfectionism, unlearning, dietetics, psychology, healthism, wellness, trauma, knowledge, knowing, anti-diet, S821
Food Psych #270: Big News About the Pod, Plus Weight Stigma, Money in Diet Culture, and the Evolution of Health At Every Size with Nancy Ellis-Ordway Christy HarrisonFebruary 8, 2021Food customs, identity, eating-disorder treatment, eating disorders, disordered eating, beauty ideals, weight stigma, ASDAH, Health At Every Size, HAES, social determinants of health, SDOH, individual responsibility, social policy, fatphobia, medical fatphobia, healthcare, education, money, industry, weight-loss industry, diet industry, pharmaceutical industry, anti-diet, S821
Food Psych #267: The Nuances of Hunger and Fullness, the Importance of Satisfaction, and Intuitive Eating in Eating-Disorder Recovery with Elyse Resch Christy HarrisonJanuary 18, 2021Intuitive eating, COVID-19, satisfaction, gentle nutrition, satiety, pleasure, hunger, fullness, diet culture, food insecurity, oppression, privilege, habituation, deprivation, eating disorders, eating-disorder treatment, Health At Every Size, HAES, motivational interviewing, anti-diet, S821
Food Psych #264: How to Handle Holiday Diet Talk and Body Comments, and Healing from Weight Stigma with Meg Boggs Christy HarrisonDecember 21, 2020Bullying, dieting, mental health, starvation, restriction, disordered eating, eating disorders, pregnancy, motherhood, diabetes, healthism, social media, body positivity, plus-size, Health At Every Size, HAES, feelings, emotions, thin shaming, fat shaming, fatphobia, weight stigma, representation, fitness, movement, boundaries, holidays, anti-diet, S820
Food Psych #262: Responding to Diet Talk, Navigating the Stages of Change, and HAES in Spanish-Speaking Communities with Haica Rosenfeld Christy HarrisonNovember 30, 2020LatinX, Hispanic, Spanish, Jewish, binge eating, bariatric surgery, alcohol, dieting, eating disorders, diet talk, privilege, Stages of Change, transtheoretical model, Health At Every Size, HAES, boundaries, eating-disorder treatment, eating-disorder recovery, community, COVID-19, pandemic, weight loss, weight gain, anti-diet, S820
Food Psych #261: The Evolution of Intuitive Eating Over Time and the Impact of Diet Culture with Evelyn Tribole Christy HarrisonNovember 23, 2020Intuitive eating, Health At Every Size, book, dissonance, interoceptive awareness, diet mentality, diet culture, emotional eating, research, science, food addiction, eating disorders, disordered eating, weight loss industry, diet industry, healthcare, medical system, food insecurity, social justice, social determinants of health, accessibility, self-care, self-compassion, anti-diet, S820
Food Psych #256: How Trauma and Shame Affect Our Relationships with Food and the Body with Judith Matz & Amy Pershing Christy HarrisonOctober 19, 2020Trauma, COVID-19, eating disorders, eating-disorder recovery, body positivity, self compassion, body image, mindfulness, self care, intersectionality, body acceptance, aging, diet culture, emotional eating, deprivation, shame, fatphobia, weight stigma, trauma-informed, disordered eating, intuitive eating, diet industry, wellness industry, anti-diet, S820
Food Psych #255: Diet Culture, Dysfunctional Relationships, and Decolonizing the Body with Health At Every Size Social Worker Noel Ramirez Christy HarrisonOctober 12, 2020BIPOC, Filipino, Asian, LGBTQ, queer, gay, immigrant, family, trauma, HIV, representation, fatphobia, weight stigma, disordered eating, eating disorders, eating-disorder recovery, scarcity, abundance, restriction, impingement, objectification, relationships, dating, home, primary care, oppression, community, masculinity, belonging, connection, food justice, social determinants of health, SDOH, genetics, Wellness Diet, diet culture, anti-diet, S820