Food Psych #258: Healing From Scarcity and Deprivation and Finding Fat Freedom with Tiana Dodson Christy HarrisonNovember 2, 2020Scarcity, dieting, diet culture, poverty, parenting, bullying, oppression, stigma, intersectionality, Black, BIPOC, LGBTQ, queer, disordered eating, fat, health coach, Health At Every Size, body liberation, marketing, brand, body partnership, intuitive eating, diet mentality, vacation, satisfaction, food insecurity, foodie, chef, anti-diet, S820
Food Psych #257: Body Image Beyond Weight, How to Push Back Against Body Ideals, and Unintentional Restriction with Nadia Craddock Christy HarrisonOctober 26, 2020Eating disorder, eating-disorder treatment, eating-disorder recovery, anorexia, body image, fatphobia, weight stigma, colorism, intersectionality, diet culture, diet industry, beauty industry, oppression, research, science, elimination diets, healthcare, The Wellness Diet, anti-diet, S820
Food Psych #256: How Trauma and Shame Affect Our Relationships with Food and the Body with Judith Matz & Amy Pershing Christy HarrisonOctober 19, 2020Trauma, COVID-19, eating disorders, eating-disorder recovery, body positivity, self compassion, body image, mindfulness, self care, intersectionality, body acceptance, aging, diet culture, emotional eating, deprivation, shame, fatphobia, weight stigma, trauma-informed, disordered eating, intuitive eating, diet industry, wellness industry, anti-diet, S820