Food Psych #273: Diet Culture in the Church, and Challenging Body Ideals in Gay and Queer Communities with Kent Thomas Christy HarrisonMarch 1, 2021LGBTQIA2+, queer, gay, diet culture, church, religion, compassion, disordered eating, eating disorder, eating-disorder recovery, Wellness Diet, cultural norms, grief, body liberation, social work, community, oppression, advocacy, Health At Every Size, HAES, perfectionism, social justice, anti-diet, S821
Food Psych #271: From Weight-Loss "Success Story" to Eating-Disorder Recovery Mentor and Fat Activist with Daph Levy Christy HarrisonFebruary 15, 2021Food customs, Immigrant, belonging, fitting in, dieting, privilege, weight-loss camp, eating disorder, eating-disorder treatment, eating-disorder recovery, career, acceptance, compassion, discomfort, Latina, Latinx, BIPOC, LGBTQ2+, queer, anti-diet, S821
Food Psych #252: Why Diet Culture Starts in Infancy, How to Raise an Intuitive Eater, and the "Big Fat Lies" About Body Size with Leslie Moniot Christy HarrisonSeptember 21, 2020Dieting, disordered eating, restrict-binge cycle, recovery, eating-disorder recovery, fat acceptance, intuitive eating, self-compassion, pregnancy, hyperemesis, breastfeeding, infant feeding, infant formula, Ellyn Satter, Division of Responsibility, children, kids, parenting, motherhood, nutrition, public health, lactation, compassion, history, privilege, non-judgement, diet culture, Health At Every Size, boundaries, lived experience, anti-diet, S820