Food Psych #229: Emotional Eating, the Effects of Starvation, and Bringing Intuitive Eating to Latinx Communities with Carolina Guízar Christy HarrisonMarch 2, 2020Latinx, POC, fatphobia, marginalization, oppression, othering, belonging, assimilation, scarcity, binge eating, anxiety, emotional eating, starvation, politics, intuitive eating, diet culture, social justice, anti-diet, S720
Food Psych #228: Intuitive Eating for All Ages and Life Stages with Elyse Resch Christy HarrisonFebruary 24, 2020intuitive eating, journaling, dietitian, feminism, healthcare, disordered eating, eating disorders, autonomy, developmental needs, teenagers, adolescents, children, science, research, evidence-based, self-compassion, eating-disorder recovery, satisfaction, food insecurity, digestive health, gut-brain axis, anti-diet, s720, S720
Food Psych #227: The Food Environment, Intuitive Eating in Communities of Color, and Diet Culture's Oppressive Roots with Ayana Habtemariam Christy HarrisonFebruary 17, 2020Racism, disordered eating, eating disorder, dietetics, social work, oppression, public health, policy, food environment, diet culture, industry, food industry, diet industry, deprivation, intuitive eating, marginalization, people of color, POC, Honeymoon Phase, habituation, anti-diet, S720
Food Psych #226: Aging and Ageism, Pretty Privilege, and Being Fat and Beautiful with Kimberly Dark Christy HarrisonFebruary 10, 2020alcohol, addiction, intuitive eating, allergy, intolerance, sensitivity, mindset, books, retreats, oppression, privilege, beauty, appearance, makeup, body positivity, perfectionism, activism, allyship, normcore, neoliberalism, racism, capitalism, diet culture, beauty culture, fatphobia, weight stigma, ageism, storytelling, fat, culture, anti-diet, S720
Food Psych #225: Intuitive Eating & Health At Every Size FAQs, Part 2 with Ashley Seruya & Christy Harrison Christy HarrisonFebruary 3, 2020FAQ, comfort, discomfort, weight stigma, diet culture, athletics, accessibility, self-care, privilege, health, Health At Every Size, diet industry, dieting, body image, self-hatred, body autonomy, oppression, marginalization, social determinants of health, individualism, collectivism, collective care, social justice, chronic disease, nuance, social media, capitalism, nocebo, placebo, storytelling, anti-diet, S720
Food Psych #224: Diabetes, Diet Culture, and Intuitive Eating for Blood-Sugar Stability with Lauren Newman Christy HarrisonJanuary 27, 2020Diabetes, dieting, disordered eating, eating disorders, eating-disorder recovery, recovery, eating-disorder treatment, fatphobia, intuitive eating, Health At Every Size, HAES, restrict-binge cycle, weight cycling, insulin resistance, carbohydrates, myths, misconceptions, healthism, privilege, diet culture, starvation, weight gain, chronic disease, gentle nutrition, flexibility, diabetes burnout, anti-diet, S720
Food Psych #223: Fat-Positive Comedy, Diet-Culture Recovery, and Native American Representation with Jana Schmieding Christy HarrisonJanuary 20, 2020Native American, indigenous, oppression, pop culture, disordered eating, eating disorder, eating-disorder recovery, recovery, movement, history, dieting, athletics, values, marginalization, hierarchies, decolonization, representation, comedy, activism, coping mechanisms, emotional eating, health, weight stigma, anti-diet, trauma, food politics, food activism, S720
Food Psych #222: Orthorexia Recovery, Joyful Movement, and Sports Nutrition with Heather Caplan Christy HarrisonJanuary 13, 2020Dieting, disordered eating, eating disorder, orthorexia, recovery, healthcare, food activism, joyful movement, boundaries, pregnancy, plant-based, vegan, vegetarian, intuitive eating, sports nutrition, privilege, cravings, rebel, habit, diet mentality, Honeymoon Phase, anti-diet, S720
Food Psych #221: Riots Not Diets with Becky Young of Anti-Diet Riot Club Christy HarrisonJanuary 6, 2020Body image, dieting, disordered eating, The Life Thief, unconditional permission, food freedom, diet industry, diet culture, privilege, capitalism, intersectionality, oppression, chronic disease, chronic condition, anger, recovery, activism, community, thin privilege, anti-diet, S720
Food Psych #220: Why Health At Every Size and Weight Management Can't Coexist with Deb Burgard Christy HarrisonDecember 30, 2019Anti-Diet, Health At Every Size, HAES, social justice, weight stigma, fatphobia, oppression, intersectionality, health, healthcare, medicine, science, research, weight cycling, bias, liberation, privilege, eating disorders, obesity, lived experience, environment, food activism, politics, activism, social determinants of health, S719
Food Psych #219: ANTI-DIET Launch Party! Guest Host Evelyn Tribole Interviews Christy About Diet Culture, Intuitive Eating, and Her New Book Christy HarrisonDecember 23, 2019Diet culture, Anti-Diet, epidemic, fatphobia, weight stigma, weight cycling, health, healthcare, medicine, history, science, research, food activism, food environment, The Wellness Diet, intuitive eating, pleasure, Health At Every Size, HAES, S719
Food Psych #218: The Life Thief, Part 4: How Diet Culture Steals Your Happiness with Stephanie Zone Christy HarrisonDecember 16, 2019Diet culture, The Life Thief, social justice, bullying, counter-culture, feminism, happiness, joy, therapy, psychology, Health At Every Size, HAES, trauma, restriction, self-blame, eating disorders, disordered eating, dieting, relationships, dating, activism, S719
Food Psych #217: The Life Thief, Part 3: How Diet Culture Steals Your Well-Being with Kendrin Sonneville Christy HarrisonDecember 9, 2019The Life Thief, Weight stigma, weight bias, research, public health, dieting, The Wellness Diet, dietitian, Health At Every Size, HAES, eating disorder, science, representation, weight perception, healthcare, medicine, funding, diversity, intuitive eating, weight loss, deprivation, S719
Food Psych #216: The Life Thief, Part 2: How Diet Culture Steals Your Money and Thwarts Eating-Disorder Recovery with Shira Rosenbluth Christy HarrisonDecember 2, 2019Dieting, thin privilege, fat shaming, diet culture, disordered eating, healthcare, medicine, restriction, weight stigma, research, The Life Thief, time, weight loss, identity, commodification, coping, self-care, Health At Every Size, HAES, intuitive eating, unconditional permission, celiac disease, chronic illness, chronic condition, gluten, gluten-free, S719
Food Psych #215: The Life Thief, Part 1: How Diet Culture Steals Your Time and Messes Up Your Intuitive-Eating Skills with Kirsten Ackerman Christy HarrisonNovember 25, 2019Dieting, thin privilege, fat shaming, diet culture, disordered eating, healthcare, medicine, restriction, weight stigma, research, The Life Thief, time, weight loss, identity, commodification, coping, self-care, Health At Every Size, HAES, intuitive eating, unconditional permission, celiac disease, chronic illness, chronic condition, gluten, gluten-free, S719
Food Psych #214: Fatphobia, Eating-Disorder Recovery, PCOS, and Food Peace with Kimmie Singh Christy HarrisonNovember 18, 2019Fatphobia, racism, assimilation, thin privilege, polycystic ovarian syndrome, PCOS, patriarchy, ableism, chronic disease, chronic illness, self-compassion, eating-disorder recovery, eating disorders, intuitive eating, dietetics, healthcare, medicine, Health At Every Size, representation, intersectionality, children, schools, teachers, restriction, diet culture, S719
Food Psych #213: Intuitive Eating for the Culture with Christyna Johnson Christy HarrisonNovember 11, 2019Dieting, disordered eating, eating disorders, race, racism, microaggressions, The Wellness Diet, dietetics, nutrition, chronic illness, fatphobia, weight stigma, therapy, Health At Every Size, HAES, intuitive eating, eating-disorder treatment, podcast, diet mentality, eating-disorder mentality, hunger, unconditional permission, S719
Food Psych #212: Breaking Free From Restriction and Food Obsession with Alissa Rumsey Christy HarrisonNovember 4, 2019Orthorexia, dieting, restriction, parenting, children, The Wellness Diet, binge-eating, restrict-binge cycle, diet culture, The Life Thief, exercise, athletics, sports, eating-disorder recovery, eating disorder, recovery, family, science, research, privilege, classism, intersectionality, gluten, leaky gut, Hashimoto’s, thyroid, celiac, S719
Food Psych #211: Orthorexia and Diet Culture In the Family with Meg Bradbury & Daughter Carson Christy HarrisonOctober 28, 2019Orthorexia, dieting, restriction, parenting, children, The Wellness Diet, binge-eating, restrict-binge cycle, diet culture, The Life Thief, exercise, athletics, sports, eating-disorder recovery, eating disorder, recovery, family, science, research, privilege, classism, intersectionality, gluten, leaky gut, Hashimoto’s, thyroid, celiac, S719
Food Psych #210: Finding Comfort in a Larger Body with J Aprileo Christy HarrisonOctober 21, 2019Dieting, diet culture, diet mentality, disembodiment, eating disorders, disordered eating, healthism, poverty, food insecurity, parenting, family, children, gender identity, body acceptance, LGBTQ, self-discovery, fatphobia, weight stigma, movement, advocacy, accessibility, problem-solving, shame, plantar fasciitis, healthcare, medical care, thin privilege, S719