Food Psych #245: Recovering from COVID-19 While Fat with Rachel Estapa, and Parenting Without Diet Culture with Anna Lutz Christy HarrisonJune 29, 2020Diet culture, parenting, public health, dietetics, nutrition, eating disorders, Ellyn Satter, Division of Responsibility, children, kids, feeding, non-diet, Health At Every Size, HAES, COVID-19, pandemic, structure, restriction, rules, intuitive eating, picky eating, body acceptance, weight stigma, fatphobia, yoga, meditation, inflammation, anti-diet, S720
Food Psych #232: COVID-19 and Diet Culture, Plus How to Help Kids Hold Onto Intuitive Eating and Resist Diet Culture with Leslie Schilling Christy HarrisonMarch 23, 2020Diet culture, dieting, disordered eating, eating disorders, privilege, sports, athletes, rebel, health professionals, helping professionals, Health At Every Size, HAES, supervision, dietitians, therapists, psychologists, baby-led weaning, kids, children, book, safe places, church, school, resilience, propaganda, anti-diet, S720
Food Psych #219: ANTI-DIET Launch Party! Guest Host Evelyn Tribole Interviews Christy About Diet Culture, Intuitive Eating, and Her New Book Christy HarrisonDecember 23, 2019Diet culture, Anti-Diet, epidemic, fatphobia, weight stigma, weight cycling, health, healthcare, medicine, history, science, research, food activism, food environment, The Wellness Diet, intuitive eating, pleasure, Health At Every Size, HAES, S719
Food Psych #218: The Life Thief, Part 4: How Diet Culture Steals Your Happiness with Stephanie Zone Christy HarrisonDecember 16, 2019Diet culture, The Life Thief, social justice, bullying, counter-culture, feminism, happiness, joy, therapy, psychology, Health At Every Size, HAES, trauma, restriction, self-blame, eating disorders, disordered eating, dieting, relationships, dating, activism, S719
Food Psych #207: Doctors Without Diet Culture with Louise Metz Christy HarrisonSeptember 30, 2019Diet culture, disordered eating, PCOS, healthcare, medicine, weight stigma, weight bias, fatphobia, social justice, feminism, physicians, doctors, complexity theory, chaos theory, fence-straddling, paradigm-straddling, evidence, evidence-based, Health At Every Size, HAES, compassion, lived experience, trauma, digestion, IBS, digestive disorders, digestive symptoms, constipation, bloating, gas, S719