Food Psych #246: Chronic Illness, Body Acceptance, and Breaking Free from the Wellness Diet with Asher Pandjiris Christy HarrisonJuly 6, 2020LGBTQ, queer, non-binary, dysphoria, pleasure, Crohn’s, autoimmune, eating disorders, trauma, embodiment, self-regulation, coping, The Wellness Diet, diet culture, inflammation, gluten, dairy, healthism, compassion, curiosity, anti-diet, S720
Food Psych #240: Aging, Diet Culture, and Body Changes Around Menopause with Erica Leon Christy HarrisonMay 18, 2020Disordered eating, eating disorders, dietetics, dietitian, diet culture, public relations, journalism, capitalism, weight management, intuitive eating, Health At Every Size, menopause, midlife, aging, perimenopause, weight gain, wellness culture, The Wellness Diet, lived experience, brain fog, weight-inclusive, healthcare, accessibility, COVID-19, fatphobia, medical fatphobia, fat activism, fat liberation, anti-diet, S720
Food Psych #219: ANTI-DIET Launch Party! Guest Host Evelyn Tribole Interviews Christy About Diet Culture, Intuitive Eating, and Her New Book Christy HarrisonDecember 23, 2019Diet culture, Anti-Diet, epidemic, fatphobia, weight stigma, weight cycling, health, healthcare, medicine, history, science, research, food activism, food environment, The Wellness Diet, intuitive eating, pleasure, Health At Every Size, HAES, S719
Food Psych #217: The Life Thief, Part 3: How Diet Culture Steals Your Well-Being with Kendrin Sonneville Christy HarrisonDecember 9, 2019The Life Thief, Weight stigma, weight bias, research, public health, dieting, The Wellness Diet, dietitian, Health At Every Size, HAES, eating disorder, science, representation, weight perception, healthcare, medicine, funding, diversity, intuitive eating, weight loss, deprivation, S719
Food Psych #213: Intuitive Eating for the Culture with Christyna Johnson Christy HarrisonNovember 11, 2019Dieting, disordered eating, eating disorders, race, racism, microaggressions, The Wellness Diet, dietetics, nutrition, chronic illness, fatphobia, weight stigma, therapy, Health At Every Size, HAES, intuitive eating, eating-disorder treatment, podcast, diet mentality, eating-disorder mentality, hunger, unconditional permission, S719
Food Psych #212: Breaking Free From Restriction and Food Obsession with Alissa Rumsey Christy HarrisonNovember 4, 2019Orthorexia, dieting, restriction, parenting, children, The Wellness Diet, binge-eating, restrict-binge cycle, diet culture, The Life Thief, exercise, athletics, sports, eating-disorder recovery, eating disorder, recovery, family, science, research, privilege, classism, intersectionality, gluten, leaky gut, Hashimoto’s, thyroid, celiac, S719
Food Psych #211: Orthorexia and Diet Culture In the Family with Meg Bradbury & Daughter Carson Christy HarrisonOctober 28, 2019Orthorexia, dieting, restriction, parenting, children, The Wellness Diet, binge-eating, restrict-binge cycle, diet culture, The Life Thief, exercise, athletics, sports, eating-disorder recovery, eating disorder, recovery, family, science, research, privilege, classism, intersectionality, gluten, leaky gut, Hashimoto’s, thyroid, celiac, S719
Food Psych #208: Media, Wellness-Diet Culture, and the Power of Language with Maxine Ali Christy HarrisonOctober 7, 2019Privilege, thin privilege, body image, language, linguistics, health, wellness, The Wellness Diet, diet culture, racism, journalism, media, oppression, neo-liberalism, non-diet, anti-diet, intuitive eating, healthism, ableism, S719