Food Psych #249: Healthism, Fatphobia, and Redefining Well-Being with Confidence Coach Victoria Welsby, and How the Anti-Diet and Intuitive Eating Frameworks Address Health with Dietitian Vincci Tsui Christy HarrisonJuly 27, 2020Fatphobia, weight stigma, diet culture, violence, anger, social justice, boundaries, healthism, health, moralizing, fat activism, allyship, marginalization, bias, implicit bias, weight bias, lifestyle, social determinants of health, SDOH, intuitive eating, gentle nutrition, anti-diet, S720
Food Psych #244: Fighting Racism, Misogyny, and Transphobia in Fitness Culture and the World at Large with Ilya Parker Christy HarrisonJune 22, 2020Black, BIPOC, POC, LGBTQ, trans, transgender, queer, restrict-binge cycle, mindful eating, intuitive eating, healthcare, medicine, activism, diet culture, racism, fitness culture, fitness, white supremacy, social determinants of health, ableism, chronic disease, social media, toxic masculinity, patriarchy, oppression, representation, movement, trauma, privilege, allyship, advocacy, anti-diet, S720
Food Psych #241: COVID-19, Disordered Eating, and the Social Determinants of Health with Patrilie Hernandez Christy HarrisonMay 25, 2020Puberty, eating disorder, disordered eating, Latinx, POC, racism, bipolar disorder, mental health, Wellness Diet, intuitive eating, Health At Every Size, HAES, social justice, oppression, COVID-19, healthcare, medicine, advocacy, capitalism, social determinants of health, SDOH, marginalization, H1N1, restriction, stress, anxiety, anti-diet, S720
Food Psych #236: BMI & COVID-19, and Why You Can't Fight Weight Stigma While Promoting Weight Management with Abigail Saguy Christy HarrisonApril 20, 2020Dieting, disordered eating, privilege, sociology, oppression, fat acceptance, coming out, weight stigma, fatphobia, health, racism, public health, food insecurity, food environment, poverty, social determinants of health, COVID-19, healthcare, community, social movements, social change, social justice, collective, weight, research, science, BMI, anti-diet, S720
Food Psych #225: Intuitive Eating & Health At Every Size FAQs, Part 2 with Ashley Seruya & Christy Harrison Christy HarrisonFebruary 3, 2020FAQ, comfort, discomfort, weight stigma, diet culture, athletics, accessibility, self-care, privilege, health, Health At Every Size, diet industry, dieting, body image, self-hatred, body autonomy, oppression, marginalization, social determinants of health, individualism, collectivism, collective care, social justice, chronic disease, nuance, social media, capitalism, nocebo, placebo, storytelling, anti-diet, S720
Food Psych #220: Why Health At Every Size and Weight Management Can't Coexist with Deb Burgard Christy HarrisonDecember 30, 2019Anti-Diet, Health At Every Size, HAES, social justice, weight stigma, fatphobia, oppression, intersectionality, health, healthcare, medicine, science, research, weight cycling, bias, liberation, privilege, eating disorders, obesity, lived experience, environment, food activism, politics, activism, social determinants of health, S719