Food Psych #275: Pausing the Podcast, and Where to Find Us Until We Return - Introducing the Food Psych Weekly Newsletter

Photographer: Khali MacIntyre

Introduction & Guest Bio:

In this final episode before our hiatus, Christy talks about her next book, Rethinking Wellness, and shares some parting words and resources for ongoing support—including the Food Psych Weekly newsletter, an advice column on how to make peace with food and your body, heal from disordered eating and diet culture, and reclaim your life for bigger and better things.

Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, CEDRD is an anti-diet registered dietitian nutritionist, certified intuitive eating counselor, certified eating disorders registered dietitian, and journalist. She’s the author of Anti-Diet: Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being, and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating (Little, Brown Spark 2019), and her second book, Rethinking Wellness, will be published by the same imprint in 2023. Since 2013 Christy has hosted Food Psych, a weekly podcast exploring people’s relationships with food and paths to body liberation. It’s been one of Apple’s top 100 Health podcasts for the past 5 years, reaching tens of thousands of listeners worldwide each week. In addition to her media work, Christy offers online courses and private intuitive eating coaching to help people all over the world make peace with food and their bodies. 

Christy began her career in 2003 as a journalist covering food, nutrition, and health, and she’s written for publications including The New York Times, SELF, BuzzFeed, WIRED, Refinery29, Gourmet, Slate, The Food Network, and many others. Learn more about Christy and her work at

Resources Mentioned

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