Intuitive Eating Fundamentals
An intuitive eating course to help you make peace with food
Now enrolling for a special Spring 2025 cohort
“I had been listening to Food Psych for a long time and my relationship with food had improved, but signing up for the course helped me get to true and complete freedom from dieting and restriction. I am so grateful I decided to sign up. I didn’t understand how good life could be until I began working on freeing myself from the restrictions I had been self-imposing for far too long. I never imagined I would be able to answer the assessment at the end of the course as a true intuitive eater, totally free from moralizing food—but I DID!”
“I feel more self-love and worth than I have in a long time because of this course. I have been able to practice the intuitive eating fundamentals I just didn’t feel confident or have the skills to do prior to this course, despite the all the reading I had done. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the gift of this course. I now feel confident in my ability to continue my intuitive eating journey.”

Imagine having a peaceful, easy relationship with food.
Not spending all your time and energy worrying about your diet.
Being able to…
Let go of guilt and shame
Trust your body’s cues
Eat for pleasure and nourishment
Get off the restrict-rebound cycle
Stop feeling out of control with food
So that you can…
Feel more confident
Free up mental space for creativity and connection
Enjoy spending time with the people you love
Answer your calling
Build a better life for yourself and others
Are you ready to make peace with food and reclaim your life?
Now enrolling for a special Spring 2025 cohort

You’ll Get:
13 modules of in-depth content
Weekly audio lectures for listening on the go
Thought-provoking journal activities to use throughout the course
Downloadable PDF workbooks for each module
Exclusive audio meditations to help you engage with your intuition
An exclusive library of Q&A podcasts with answers to hundreds of questions
Monthly, 60-minute group calls on Zoom to answer your questions (subject to Christy's availability), with live closed captioning
A private community (not on social media) where you can connect with fellow participants—available April 2 through July 2, 2025, with options for continuing in future cycles of the course at no extra charge
All module content is yours to download and keep forever, and you also get free access to any future course updates
Intuitive Eating Course Modules
Use self-compassion practices to make sustainable changes in your thoughts, behaviors, and relationship with yourself
Determine your current barriers to a peaceful relationship with food, and develop a clear sense of what you want instead
Become aware of your inner critic and start challenging its messages
Learn what lies ahead on the intuitive eating path—and how to distinguish between true intuitive eating and diet culture
Recognize the subtle diet rules and restrictions you’ve been holding onto, and let them go
Learn why dieting and attempting to change your body isn’t serving you (or anyone, for that matter!)
Install new thoughts that support you in creating the joyful and easy relationship with food that you desire and deserve
Build skills and practices to help you shift into this new paradigm long-term
Learn what hunger cues feel like for you—and discover the subtle signals you may have been missing
Bust myths about hunger that are perpetuated by diet culture
Find out why intuitive eating is about so much more than just “eating when you’re hungry and stopping when you’re full”
Uncover your inner wisdom about hunger and help you build faith in its power to guide you
Open up to your “off-limits” foods in a systematic way that makes you feel safe and empowered
Understand why you feel so compelled to eat “forbidden” foods, and what you can do to change that
Navigate what I call the “honeymoon phase” of intuitive eating, when you ONLY want to eat those previously off-limits foods
Learn what it means to truly give yourself unconditional permission to eat
Learn why the food police are bad for your health
Discover my three keys to making food choices without the food police, and why that leads to far better outcomes
Learn some essential self-care practices for letting go of rules and restrictions
Feel confident and secure in your ability to take care of yourself with food
Learn how to tune in to fullness from a place of self-care—not one of deprivation
Discover how diet culture has infiltrated your relationship with fullness, and how to reclaim it
Learn why there’s no such thing as a “perfect” level of fullness
Explore some of the deeper meanings of fullness, and how diet culture influences these meanings
Release fear around the idea of taking pleasure in food
Awaken your palate to new and exciting flavors
Discover how to bring more joy into your cooking and eating
Feel confident in your food choices, knowing that pleasure will guide you toward balance and nourishment
Learn why emotional eating is unfairly criticized in our society
Gain clarity on what emotional eating is trying to tell you
Discover ways to take care of yourself emotionally IN ADDITION to eating (not instead of eating)
Learn how to reduce the frequency and intensity of self-identified emotional eating episodes
Discover the power of BEING in your body, rather than judging it from the outside
Navigate your body’s unique strengths and limitations without judgment
Learn how to create a culture of respect for ALL bodies
Start to feel genuinely respectful of (and even loving toward) your body
Find joyful ways of moving your body, and let go of obligatory and punishing exercise
Apply intuitive eating skills to your relationship with physical activity
Recognize your body’s cues about movement and rest
Learn how to stop using exercise to compensate for your eating
Learn to relate to nutrition without falling back into the diet mentality
Approach nutrition from a place of self-care and body acceptance, NOT self-control and body shame
Use gentle nutrition as a way to enhance your satisfaction and pleasure, not detract from it
Learn my super-simple, intuitive trick for building sustaining and delicious meals and snacks
Navigate ups and downs on the path to peace with food
Review previous modules to cement your understanding
Deepen your self-compassion practice
Reflect on how your life has changed already, and what your ongoing goals are for life beyond dieting
Strengthen your boundaries in relationships
Learn to navigate the inevitable diet-culture triggers you’ll encounter
Open up to new possibilities for your life and future
Bonus Q&A Calls and Podcasts
Monthly live group call to answer your questions
Dozens of recorded podcasts with my answers to hundreds of previous questions from course participants
Get in-depth help with the nuts and bolts of intuitive eating
Online Community
Private community (not on social media) to connect with fellow participants
Available April 2 to July 2, 2025, with options for continuing in future cycles of the course at no extra charge

You deserve freedom, trust, and connection in your relationship with food.
I created this intuitive eating course to help you…
Give up dieting for good
Take pleasure in food and stop fighting your desires
Recognize, honor, and trust your body’s signals of hunger and fullness
Stop the restrict-binge / restrict-rebound cycle
Trust yourself with all foods—even those that were once “off-limits”
Navigate emotional eating and learn new coping skills
Start engaging in physical activity for the joy of movement, not as penance for your eating
So that you can…
Fully engage in all the moments of your life—from the mundane to the magical
Accept your body—at ANY size—and learn how to fight internalized weight bias
Choose what to eat from a place of self-care and abundance, not self-control and deprivation
Feel nourished and cared for
And free your mind to focus on the things that really matter.
“I took the course last year and I feel better today than I ever did before. This made me feel at peace with food, I am eating everything that I crave, want, need. This is so liberating, I didn’t think it was even possible.”
“I have completed all of the modules! This has been one of the best investments I have made in myself. I have been working on IE since the summer in fits and starts, but this course really has made a difference.”
“This course has been so helpful. I’ve learned so much about how the diet mentality and the food police in my head have led me to restrict foods. I’ve learned about self-compassion and treating myself kindly. And the resources have been so valuable. I no longer feel alone in this journey towards peace with food.”
“I have read the book and have done other courses, but your course Christy has really helped! It’s way better and worth the money. Your hard work on it shows. I’m now seeing all the sneaky ways diet culture was around me and have been cutting it all out. It has been so liberating! Thanks for all you do.”

Are you ready to make peace with food and reclaim your life?
Now enrolling for a special Spring 2025 cohort

About Me
I’m Christy Harrison, a certified intuitive eating counselor, anti-diet registered dietitian, and journalist dedicated to helping people make peace with food and reclaim their lives from dieting.
I do this work because I know what it’s like to have a difficult relationship with food. I lost more than a decade of my life to dieting and disordered eating, missing out on countless important moments because my mind was hijacked by worries about food, weight, and how I looked.
When I finally managed to recover, I realized that I wasn’t alone in struggling with these issues, and that this is really a systemic problem. A cultural problem.
The problem is diet culture, and it’s stolen far too much time from far too many of us.
Over the past decade, I’ve helped thousands of people break free from diet culture through my courses and private practice.
In addition to my other credentials, I have a master's degree in public health nutrition and am a certified eating disorders specialist. I’ve published two books about healing from diet and wellness culture that have sold a combined total of more than 100,000 copies, and my two podcasts have helped tens of thousands of listeners around the world think critically about diet and wellness culture and develop more peaceful relationships with food.
I’d love to help you do the same.
“I am at a place that I never imagined was actually possible for me. It is amazing, liberating, humbling, and exhilarating. This course saved me! It gave me such a deep understanding of intuitive eating as well as of myself. I gave up dieting! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“I love the course! Every week, I’m learning more about me. I feel comfortable when I look in the mirror. I’m not pining to be in a thinner body like I have for most of my life. I’m not scared of food anymore. You are helping me give myself compassion—it’s my go-to response instead of my afterthought. I’m so very grateful for your course, Christy!”
“Hi Christy, I’m really loving your course so far and I’m so glad I decided to take the leap and invest in doing it, rather than continuing trying to learn intuitive eating and let go of diet culture (and wellness culture) on my own. I would also just like to say how grateful I am that all your course materials and Q&A podcasts are available in written format—this is so amazingly helpful for me, as I struggle to take things in when learning through audio or video. So thank you for making the course so accessible.”
“So much room has been opened up in my life that was taken up by food obsession! And while this is a great thing, what’s truly amazing about it is that I will have the emotional bandwidth to support my daughter (and myself and my partner) as we walk this scary path. Does this outweigh every tough thought I’ve had about my larger body? YES!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, Christy and everyone here for the inspiration and support to get here!”

Frequently Asked Questions
This is a self-paced online course, so you can start anytime! You'll get instant access when you sign up, and you can either dive in right away or come back and start the course later. You’ll have lifetime access to all of the written and audio content. The only time-sensitive aspects of the course are the online community (which is available from April 2 to July 2) and the monthly group Q&A calls (which will be offered subject to Christy's availability).
Since the course is self-paced and you can download and keep all the modules forever, you can go away for a few weeks and pick up right where you left off. You'll also be able to watch a recording of any monthly group Q&As that you miss while you're away.
Not at all! The course helps you work through each of the principles of intuitive eating, so you don’t have to be familiar with them to start. By the end you’ll have an excellent working knowledge of intuitive eating.
Absolutely! I've designed the course to address common issues with putting intuitive eating into practice, so if you’re already familiar with the concept but haven’t fully incorporated it into your life, this course will help get you there. The multimedia format suits a variety of learning styles, and the interactive tools and journal activities help deepen your understanding.
This course is designed to help people with a history of chronic dieting and disordered eating make peace with food and their bodies. It’s not meant for people with active eating disorders or those in the early stages of ED recovery, because eating disorders can make your hunger and fullness cues unreliable, and attempting to practice all principles of intuitive eating while in this state can actually worsen your eating disorder. Please wait to purchase this course until you’re at least several months into recovery and working with experienced ED clinicians, and then ask your treatment team whether the course is appropriate for you. You’re welcome to work through it with their support if they give you the OK!
Disordered eating is a spectrum, and many people—including most American women—have it to some degree. This course IS designed for people who have disordered eating behaviors such as yo-yo dieting, occasional bingeing, and vacillating between restriction and overeating, without significant medical complications or high-risk behaviors such as gastroparesis, purging, or medication abuse.
In scientific studies, intuitive eating has been linked to better management and reduced risk of many chronic conditions, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Ask your doctor if you have specific concerns.
Intuitive eating is not intended as a weight-loss method. Some people may lose weight when they learn to honor their bodies, while others gain weight they’d lost through restriction and deprivation. Still others maintain their weight with intuitive eating. Weight loss is NOT a goal of intuitive eating or of this course, which is rooted in anti-diet principles.
Yes! The material is presented at a level suitable for clients and clinicians alike, and the program is evidence-based. Clinicians can use the course as continuing education (33.5 CPEs for RDs, approved by CDR). Clinicians may also have clients purchase the course and then work through it with them. To inquire about permission to use and adapt course materials, please contact us. (All course contents, including this page, are copyrighted material.)
Yes! We award 6-10 scholarships per year, with applications processed every 6 months. Click here to sign up for more information!
We’re only able to offer a limited number of scholarships to those with major financial needs, as the cost of the course is already far below market rate for the value provided—only $37 per week if you go through the course in 13 weeks, with lifetime access to the teachings plus any future updates. The actual cost per week is far lower if you take several weeks with each module, as compared to other group programs that range from $75 to hundreds per week.