Christy Harrison - Intuitive Eating Dietitian, Anti-Diet Author, & Certified Eating Disorders Specialist

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Food Psych BONUS: Pregnancy, Intuitive Eating, and Eating Disorder Recovery

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BONUS: Pregnancy, Intuitive Eating, and Eating Disorder Recovery Food Psych Podcast


In this bonus episode, Christy shares some exciting news and answers a question about how to navigate intuitive eating and eating-disorder recovery while pregnant.

Listener Question:

How can a person incorporate intuitive eating in pregnancy, particularly when they have a history of disordered eating?

We Discuss:

  • Practicing acceptance with pregnancy-related body changes

  • The different ways weight stigma can show up in pregnancy

  • Navigating pregnancy apps and books

  • Maternity clothes

  • What the research says about pregnancy weight-gain guidelines

  • What to do when you are asked to be weighed during prenatal checkups

  • When it may be important to have your weight taken during pregnancy

Resources Mentioned

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