We currently offer a scholarship program for the Intro to Intuitive Eating course, to help people who need this support but can’t afford the cost of enrollment.

To participate in this course, many people make financial sacrifices like spending less on entertainment and cutting back on other non-necessities. They do that because the course is worth it, and because they’re ready to prioritize healing their relationship with food. Yet some people who are very committed to healing unfortunately don’t have any discretionary income to sacrifice. These scholarships are reserved for those folks—people experiencing serious financial hardship, for whom enrolling in this course would mean not being able to pay for necessities like rent or electricity. (For more on this concept, check out this helpful post from Worts + Cunning.) Priority is given to people with marginalized identities.

Enter your email address below to find out more about the scholarship program, and we’ll be in touch during our next application period (roughly every 6 months). You’ll also be added to my email list, if you’re not on it already. Thanks for your interest in the course!