An Introductory Course on How to Heal Your Relationship with Food

Are you sick of being at war with food and your body, and looking for another way?

Maybe you just recently ended a diet, detox, “reset,” or “lifestyle change,” and now you find yourself bingeing on all the foods you’d given up.

Or maybe you’ve been done with dieting for a while, but you’re still feeling lost and confused about how to eat.

Perhaps you’re a health professional who wants to learn how to help your clients make peace with food and their bodies—and you know you could probably use a little of that healing yourself.

Whatever your path has been, this course is for you if you’re curious about how to build an easier, freer relationship with food.

In it, I’ll introduce you to the principles of intuitive eating, a revolutionary practice that challenges our culture’s harmful ideas about health and helps you achieve true well-being.

You’ll Learn: 

  • What intuitive eating is and why it’s linked to better health outcomes than dieting

  • Some of the most common myths and misconceptions about intuitive eating

  • The 10 principles of intuitive eating, and how to begin applying them in your life (and/or with your clients)

  • Common barriers to intuitive eating and ways to address them

  • How to use intuitive eating principles in eating disorder recovery—and which principles to set aside until the later stages

  • How to recognize and fight back against the diet mentality

  • Why self-compassion is one of the most powerful resources in the process of making peace with food, and a simple way to start practicing it

  • How to begin untangling your self-worth from weight and food

  • How to use intuitive eating to support your mental and physical health

  • …and more.



About Me


I’m Christy Harrison, an an anti-diet dietitian, certified intuitive eating counselor, certified eating disorders registered dietitian, and journalist with more than 18 years of experience. Since 2013 I’ve been hosting a weekly podcast called Food Psych, and I’m the author of Anti-Diet: Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being, and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating (Little, Brown Spark 2019) and the forthcoming book Rethinking Wellness (Little, Brown Spark 2023). I specialize in helping people of all shapes and sizes make peace with food and reclaim their lives from diet culture.

I do this work because I know what it’s like to have a difficult relationship with food, having lost more than a decade of my own life to dieting and disordered eating. When I finally managed to recover, I committed my career to helping end that suffering for people everywhere.

In Intro to Intuitive Eating, I’ll share the principles and practices that have helped me and thousands of others heal.

You’ll Get: 

  • A 90-minute, pre-recorded webinar introducing you to the philosophy and practice of intuitive eating, including an in-depth look at the principles, how to overcome common barriers to intuitive eating, and how to use this approach without turning it into a diet

  • A 6-day online mini-course delving even more deeply into important intuitive eating topics like self-compassion, rejecting the diet mentality, and lots more

  • Lifetime access to all course materials

  • 1.5 CPE credits for Registered Dietitians

  • A special discount if you choose to move on to my 13-week Intuitive Eating Fundamentals course

Ready to get started with intuitive eating?


Join now!

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We’re able to offer a limited number of scholarships for this course to those with major financial needs. If you would be interested in being contacted when the next round of scholarship applications is open (typically once every 6 months), please click here to sign up for more information.